Overview of HTMS BioAsie project including consortium structure, scientific strategy and human resources up to valorization
This is an archived website, the project ended on Oct 2017
Overview of HTMS BioAsie project including consortium structure, scientific strategy and human resources up to valorization
Project title: Production of cellulosic fermentable carbons by biocatalysis under high dry matter content
Acronym: HTMS BioAsie
Funding: French Embassy
Duration: Jan 2015-Jan 2017
Project coordinator: Dr. Luc Fillaudeau, LISBP, INRA, France.
HTMS BioAsie project investigates physical mechanisms during deconstruction of pre-treated lignocellulose matrices and its ability to bio-convert substrate to fermentable sugar with an overarching aim is to control microbial cultures. It investigates transfer limitation in the intensive bioprocess under high dry matter content. Scientific work combines physical and biochemical analyses to scrutinize liquefaction and hydrolysis of complex lignocellulose materials.