GCRF Kick-off meeting

GCRF Kick-off meeting AGENDA

HUST, 15h00 (GMT + 07) - June 25th, 2021

Online main season



14.30 – 15.00

Registration and connection test via MS Teams

15.00 – 15.10

Welcome speech

Assoc Prof Huynh Dang Chinh, Vice president of Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam

15.10 – 15.20

Welcome remark

Ben Bennett, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, United Kingdom (TBC)

15:20 - 15:35

GCRF network project and partner presentation

Parag Acharya, NRI, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Son Chu-Ky, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology (SBFT), HUST, Vietnam

15.35 – 16.05

Participant and Partnership introductions

(5 minutes for each organisation)

Guidance notes for presentations (PowerPoint).

• Maximum of 5 slides

Mention the following please:

• Function and expertise of your organisation and you

• Your organisations staff expertise and skills relevant to this project

• Your expectation to join this network project


1. Hanoi University of Science and Technology:

Assoc. Prof. To Kim Anh (SBFT)


2. University of Greenwich (United Kingdom)

Dr. Conor Walsh (NRI)


3. Hanoi University of Natural Sciences (Vietnam)

Assoc. Prof. Minh Nguyen


4. Royal University of Agriculture (Cambodia)

Dr. Chay Chim


5. Loikaw University (Myanmar)

Prof. Ohn Ohn Soe


6. MitrPhol (Thailand)

Dr. Jackapon Sunthornvarabhas


7. Minh Duong Food Joint Stock Company (Vietnam)

Ms. Chu Huong Giang


8. LamSon Sugar Joint Stock Company (Vietnam)

Mr. Le Viet Hung


Working group presentation (5 min for each presentation)


WG1: Value chain analysis

Dr. Conor Walsh (NRI)


WG2: Technology development

Assoc. Prof. To Kim Anh

Assoc. Prof. Chu Ky Son


WG3: Food safety

Dr. Marcos Paradelo Perez

Assoc. Prof. Minh Nguyen


WG4: Food waste

Dr. Parag Acharya



16.25 – 16.55


British Council

Newton Fund representatives

and other….

16.55 – 17.00

Closing remarks

Copyright © 2021 - Ref: GCRFNGR7\1312
School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
