

Dr. Tran Lien Ha


Office: 201 – C4

Phone: +84-24 3869 2764



  • 2004: PhD Gifu University Japan
  • 1995: Master Gent University Belgium
  • 1986: Engineer, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Professional experience

  • 2007-present: Associate Prof. PhD, Senior Lecturer, School of Biotechnology- Food Technology
  • 2004-2007: PhD, Senior lecturer School of Biotechnology- Food Technology
  • 1986-2004 Staff, lecturer, School of Biotechnology- Food Technology

Research interests

  • Cloning and expression gene
  • Bioactive compounds from microorganisms
  • Waste treatment
  • Biopolymer

Teaching responsibilities

  • BF3509: Food Microbiology
  • BF3701: Microbiology I
  • BF3706: Genetic engineering
  • BF4711: Microbiology II – Industrial Microbiology
  • BF6742: Metabolism


Principle Investigator

  • Project: Application of Patent No. 7430 to build a leachate treatment system from a district-scale landfill (National Project CT68/2012-2013/TW-SC3. Ministry of Science and Technology). technology), 2018-2020;
  • Application of patent ”Adjustable tank incorporated with five functions for biological treatment of wastewater” for wastewater treatment of rice noodle and cellophane noodle processings at Me hamlet, Tan Hoa commune, Hung Ha District, Thai Binh Provine.(Ministry of Science and Technology). Assoc Prof. Tran Lien Ha, 2012-2014.
  • Apply biotechnology for increasing production from Canna edulis of traditional village ĐT.08.17/CNSHCB Ministry of industry and trade (2017-2018).
  • Production and application of enzyme for bread making processing (Hanoi Department of Science and Technology). .2012-2013.
  • Research on the production of functional food from soybean (Hanoi Department of Science and Technology). Assoc. Prof. Tran Lien Ha, 2009-2010.


  • Research on domestic waste treatment with odour control suitable for Vietnam condition. Ministry of Science and Technology  KC.08.17/16-20,  2017-2020
  • Apply inventor number 7430 for Leachate treatment (SHTT.TW.23-2018),
  • Application microbial technology and energy-saving system for domestic wastewater treatment (Ministry of Science and Technology).
  • Application of Aspergillus oryzae and Bacillus subtilis for producing preparates containing bioactive compounds from black beans for the antidiabetic purpose (Ministry of Agriculture and Development of Rural Area) 2009-2010
  • Research on application of microbial enzymes for synthesizing and obtaining functional peptides inhibiting Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Peptides-ACEIP from casein. (Belong to project “Research on technology of functional food by using microorganisms”) (Ministry of Science and Technology). 2008-2009
  • Research on ding and manufacturing equipment of multi-mixing in the mixer drum set Hanoi Department of Science and Technology projects 2007-2008
  • Research, design and manufacture high-load fluidized bed aeration mixing equipment to install for aerobic fermentation tanks in biotechnology (Code: 01C-01/02-2007-2; Hanoi Department of Science and Technology; Hanoi 2007-2008)

Patents and solutions

  • Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cach, Associate Prof, Tran Lien Ha, Sáng chế quốc tế: Số 21681: Bể xử lý rác hiếu khí (CHXHCNVN, ngày 12/08/2019) và  Số: WO 2019/237134 (Tổ chức sở hữu trí tuệ thế giới (WIPO), ngày 09/01/2020)


  • PGS. Nguyễn Văn Cách, PGS. Trần Liên Hà, Thiết bị trộn ly tâm đồng tốc bốn cấu tử. 11/5/2012.



  • Tran Lien Ha, General microorganisms in food Science and Technology Publishing House 2007


  • Le Van Nhuong, Nguyen Van Cach, Tran Lien Ha, Trinh thi Ngot, Nguyen Thi Son, …. (1991) Method of vinegar manufacturing, Patent No HI-0056/7.09.91, National office of invention of Vietnam, Hanoi,
  • Tran Lien Ha,Miho Kakihara, Kouhei Mizuno, Kenji Sonomoto and Ayaaki Ishizaki (1997) Characterization and purification of catalase of Pediococcus sp. ISK-1 isolated from Nukadoko, the bed of fermented rice bran, Annual report of IC Biotech, Osaka 20, p.165-171.
  • Kouhei Mizuno, Miho Kakihara, Mamiko Kohno, Tran Lien Ha, Kenji Sonomoto and Ayaaki Ishizaki (2000) Catalase of Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1 isolated from Nukadoko J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 44, p. 329-338.
  • Lien Ha Tran (2000). Processing of Vietnamese traditional soft noodle (Bun) and some characteristics of it. Conference of traditional fermented food by microorganisms of Southern East Asia, Tokyo, Japan 147-148 (2000).
  • Kouhei Mizuno, Daisuke Fukuda, Miho Kakihara, Mamiko Kohno, Tran Lien Ha, Kenji Sonomoto and Ayaaki Ishizaki (2000). Purification and gen cloning catalase from  Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1. Food science and Technology research 6 (4) 324-329.


  • Tran L.H. and Nagano H. Purification and properties of collagenase from Bacillus subtilis CN2. Vol 1 203-207. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Ha Hai yen, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha. Study on the antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from nem chua (Vietnamese fermented meat). Vol 1  115-120. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha, Hoang Dinh Hoa. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum H1.40, from Vietnamese traditional fermented meat (Nem chua). Vol 1  121-125. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Tran Lien Ha. Determination of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) in drinking water. Vol 1  126-130. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2nd 2005. Hanoi.
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Hang, Nguyen Thanh Hoa. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum NC13 producing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting peptides. Proceeding of the second international conference on the development of biomedical engineering in Vietnam, 236-241
Articles and Conferences


  • Tran Lien Ha, General microorganisms in food Science and Technology Publishing House 2007


  • Le Van Nhuong, Nguyen Van Cach, Tran Lien Ha, Trinh thi Ngot, Nguyen Thi Son, …. (1991) Method of vinegar manufacturing, Patent No HI-0056/7.09.91, National office of invention of Vietnam, Hanoi,
  • Tran Lien Ha,Miho Kakihara, Kouhei Mizuno, Kenji Sonomoto and Ayaaki Ishizaki (1997) Characterization and purification of catalase of Pediococcus sp. ISK-1 isolated from Nukadoko, the bed of fermented rice bran, Annual report of IC Biotech, Osaka 20, p.165-171.
  • Kouhei Mizuno, Miho Kakihara, Mamiko Kohno, Tran Lien Ha, Kenji Sonomoto and Ayaaki Ishizaki (2000) Catalase of Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1 isolated from Nukadoko J. Fac. Agr. Kyushu Univ. 44, p. 329-338.
  • Lien Ha Tran (2000). Processing of Vietnamese traditional soft noodle (Bun) and some characteristics of it. Conference of traditional fermented food by microorganisms of Southern East Asia, Tokyo, Japan 147-148 (2000).
  • Kouhei Mizuno, Daisuke Fukuda, Miho Kakihara, Mamiko Kohno, Tran Lien Ha, Kenji Sonomoto and Ayaaki Ishizaki (2000). Purification and gen cloning catalase from  Staphylococcus warneri ISK-1. Food science and Technology research 6 (4) 324-329.
  • L. H. Tran and H. Nagano (2002) Isolation and Characteristics of Bacillus subtilis CN2 and its collagenase production. J. Food Science, 67 (3) p. 1184-1187
  • Tran, L.H., Kitamoto, N., Kawai, K., Takamizawa, K., Suzuki, T. (2004) Cloning and expression of an NAD+-dependent xylitol dehydrogenase gene (xdhA) of Aspergillus oryzae. J. Biosci. Bioengi. 97 (6) 419-422
  • Tran, L.H., Yogo, M.; Ojima, H.; Idota, O.,  Kawai, K., Suzuki, T. and  Takamizawa, K.(2004) The production of xylitol by enzymatic hydrolysis of agricultural wastes; Biotechnol. Bioprocess. and Eng. 9, 223-228.
  • Uchida H., Kondo D., Yamashita S., Tran L.H., Nagano H. and Uwajima T. (2004). Purification and properties of a protease produces by Bacillus subtilis CN2 isolated from a Vietnamese fish sauce. World journal of microbiology and Biotechnology 20 578-582.
  • Suzuki, T. Tran, L.H., Yogo, M , Idota, O.,  Kitamoto, N., Kawai, K., Takamizawa, K., (2005) Cloning and expression of an NAD+-dependent L- arabinitol 4-dehydrogenase gene (ladA) of Aspergillus oryzae. J. Biosci. Bioengi. 100 (4) 472-474.
  • Tran L.H. and Nagano H. Purification and propertis of collagenase from Bacillus subtilis CN2. Vol 1 203-207. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Ha Hai yen, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha. Study on the antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from nem chua (Vietnases fermented meat). Vol 1  115-120. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha, Hoang Dinh Hoa. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum H1.40, from Vietnamese traditional fermented meat (Nem chua). Vol 1  121-125. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Tran L.H. and Nagano H. Possibility of using Bacillus subtilis CN2 for polluted lake water treatment. Proceeding of the 20 scientific confernce Hanoi University of Technology. 34-37 (2006).
  • Tran Lien Ha, Dang Ngoc Sam. Isolation and selection Bacillus for polluted lake water treatment. Proceeding of the 20 scientific confernce Hanoi University of Technology. 55-58 (2006).
  • Nguyen Thi Thanh, Tran Lien Ha. Isolation denitrification bacteria for using in polluted lake water treatment. Proceeding of the 20 scientific confernce Hanoi University of Technology. 243-246( 2006).
  • Lien Ha Tran, Noriyuki Kitamoto, Kazuhiro Takamizawa, Osamu Idota,Tohru Suzuki. Disruption of an NAD+-dependent xylitol dehydrogenase gene (xdhA) of Aspergillus oryzae. Journal of Science and Technology Vol 45 456-462 (2007).
  • Tran Lien Ha. Multiple xylitol dehydrogenase system of Aspergillus oryzae. Journal of Science and Technology Vol 45 509-516 (2007).
  • Le Phuong Thao, Tran Lien Ha. Study on the effection of factors on the growth of  Bacillus subtilis CN2. Journal Agri.and  Development rural. 2007, s ố 12+13, 74-79
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Hang, Nguyen Thanh Hoa. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum NC13 producing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting peptides. Proceeding of the second international conference on the development of biomedical engineering in Vietnam, 236-241
  • Tran Lien Ha.  Characteristics of xylitol dehydrogenase of Aspergillus oryzae in Escherichia coli BL21-AI. Journal Science and Technology 61, 102-106, 2007
  • Tran Lien Ha, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Thị Thanh. Isolation and screening of nitrification bacteria for waste waster treatment. Journal Science and Technology 45, 109-115, 2007
  • Tran L.H. (2007) Strategies for waste treatment in small and medium enterprises and micro-enterprises in agriculture sector. Proccedings of workshop ” Enhance capacity of small and medium enterprises in agricultural setor of APEC economic”.
  • Tran L.H., Kitamoto N., Takamizawa K., Idota O., and Suzuki T. (2007) Disruption of an NAD+-dependent xylitol dehydrogenase gene (xdhA) of Aspergillus oryzae. J. Sci. Technol., 45, 456-462.
  • Tran L.H. (2007) Multiple xylitol dehydrogenase system of Aspergillus oryzae. J. Sci. Technol., 45, 509-516.
  • Tran L.H. (2007) Characterization of xylitol dehydrogenase from Aspergillus oryzae expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli BL21-AI. J. Sci. Technol., 61, 102-106.
  • Tran L.H., Pham T.A., and Nguyen T.T. (2007) Isolation and selection nitrification bacteria for poluted lake water treatment. J. Sci. Technol., 45, 109-115.
  • Tran L.H., Pham P.T., and Nguyen V.C. (2010) Characteristics of Bacillus subtilis TH2 for producing angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory peptides. J. Biotechnol., 8, 871-878.
  • Tran L.H., Nguyen T.T.T, Nguyen T.C., and Nguyen V.C. (2010) Isolation and selection of fungi with high xylanase production and its characteristics . J. Biotechnol., 8, 879-884.
  • Tran L.H., Do T.A., and Nguyen V.C. (2010) Bioremediation-polluted surface water treatment. International conference “ Water supply and water quality” Kolobrzeg Poland, Vol 1, p. 277-284.
  • Tran L.H., and Nguyen V.C. (2010) Present status of water environment in Hanoi and some solution for this situation. Forum of Environment and Public health Issues in Asian Mega-cities Seoul, p. 17-25.
  • Tran Lien Ha, Pham Phuong Thao, Nguyen Van Cach. Optimize conditions for  Bacillus subtilis  to produce angiotensin converting enzyme National conference of lfe science Bio-Hanoi 2010, p 80
  • Tran L.H., Nguyen T.N.N. (2011) Cloning and expression gene of Aspergillus niger C1 in E. coli BL21. J. Sci. Technol., 49,
  • Duong T.L.L., Dao V.M., Furukawa T., Tran L.H., and Ogasawara W. Cloning and expression xylanase from Bacillus subtilis CN2 in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). J. Sci. Technol. 2013, 51(1) 51-62
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Thi Thuong Thuong and Nguyen Van Cach. Cloning xylanase gene from Aspergillus niger BH7 in Escherichia coli  TOP10. J. Sci. Technol.  2013 (93)40-43
  •  Nguyen Chi Dung, Tran Lien Ha , Nguyen Van cach, Dang Thi Thu, Dao Van Minh (2013) Prospecting of living condition for  poly(ɣ-glutamic acid)  formation by bacillus subtilis B5 national Biotechnology conference Vo 2, 133-137
  • Nguyen, C.D, Nguyen, V.C; Tran L.H., Dao, V.M. Optimization conditions for poly gamma glutamic acid (PGA) production from  Bacillus subtilis B5 Proceedings National confference of Biotechnology  2013 Vol 2  133-136
  • Tran, L.H, Nguyen, V.C, Nguyen T.T. Expression of xylanase gene from  Aspergillus niger BH7 in  E. coli BL21 Proceedings National confference of Biotechnology  2013 Vol 1  67-70
  • Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, Nguyen Thi Kim Cuc, Tran Kim Dung, Tran Lien Ha, Pham Viet Cuong. Chemical composition and antifugal activity of Vietnamese turmeric aromatic products obtained from Curcuma longa (zingiberaceae) by different methods. Science works volum LX, “Food Science, engineeering and technology) Plodiv 18-19 October 2013    Proceedings  539-546
  • Phi. T.T.M, Tran, L.H, Nguyen, T.H. Isolation and selection of bacteria for producing lactic acid from cellobiose. National confference of natural products the fourth 2014  203-208
  • Nguyên C.D, Đang T.T, Tran V. A, Tran L.H (2015) Using polygamma glutamic acid for improving orange juice Journal Science and technology 26 , 50-53
  • Phi T.T.M, Tran L.H., Nguyen T. H, Nguyen T.T. (2015) Isolation and selection of bacteria for producing lactica acid from xylose.  Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and rural developlment  2015(10) 91-94
  • Đo T.T. H, Tran L.H, Nguyen N.N (2015) Isolation and selection bacteria using for wastwater treatment in trade village  Journal Science and technology 28 , 57-60.
  • Nguyên C.D, Nguyen V.C, Đao V. M, Tran L. H (2015) Increasing poly gamma glutamic acid production of Bacillus subtilis B5 by using difference carbon and nitrogen Journal Science and technology 28 , 48-50
  • Phi T.T.M, Tran L.H., Nguyen T. H (2015). Effect of fermention conditions on lactic acid production by Lactobacillus fermentum Y6 from xylose. Journal Science and technology 53, 282-289
  • Phi T.T.M, Tran L.H., Nguyen T. H, Truong T.L (2016) Study on fermentation conditions of hydrolyzed rice straw by Lactobacillus fermentum Y6 and lactobacillus plantarum HC2 Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and rural developlment  2016 9120 83-89
  • Phi T.T.M, Tran L.H., Nguyen T. H, Thach T.Q (2016) Potimization of lactic acid fermentation from cellobiose by Lactobacillus plantarum HC2. Journal of Science and Technology Technical University  114, 118-125.
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngọc, Nguyen Van Cách, Tran Lien Ha, Pham Thị Thuy Giang 2016 Microbiological characterization and potential application of indigenous B. methylotrophycus Ba1 in handling of Canna edulis, Ker procesing craft villigae waste water Journal of Forest Science and Technology 5, 2016, 3-9 Journal of Forest Science and Technology
  • Vu thị Dinh, Phan Thị Thu Nga, Hoang Trung Doãan, Tran Lien Ha  (2018) Isolation and selection of cellulase bacteria  for treatment of waste water from paper making  factory. Journal of Forest Science and Technology 1, 3-10.
  • Nguyen Thị Thu, Tran Liên Ha, Nguyen Chí Dung (2018). Isolation and selection of  cellulase lactic acid bacteria . Journal of Forest Science and Technology 1, 11-18.


  • Tran L.H. and Nagano H. Purification and properties of collagenase from Bacillus subtilis CN2. Vol 1 203-207. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Ha Hai yen, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha. Study on the antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from nem chua (Vietnamese fermented meat). Vol 1  115-120. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Phan Thanh Tam, Do Thi Hanh, Tran Lien Ha, Hoang Dinh Hoa. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum H1.40, from Vietnamese traditional fermented meat (Nem chua). Vol 1  121-125. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2h 2005. Hanoi.
  • Tran Lien Ha. Determination of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) in drinking water. Vol 1  126-130. Proceeding of Regional symposium on chemical engineering 2005 November 30th- December 2nd 2005. Hanoi.
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Hang, Nguyen Thanh Hoa. Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum NC13 producing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting peptides. Proceeding of the second international conference on the development of biomedical engineering in Vietnam, 236-241
  • Tran Lien Ha. Strategies for waste treatment in small and medium enterprises and micro-enterprises in agriculture sector. Proccedings of workshop ” Enhance capacity of small and medium enterprises in agricultural setor of  APEC economic”. December 2007.
  • Tran Lien Ha , Do Tien Anh, Nguyen Van Cach. Bioremediation-polluted surface water treatment. International conference “ Water supply and water quality” 20/6-23/6/2010 Kolobrzeg Poland Vol 1, 277-284
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach. Present status of water environment in Hanoi and some solution for this situation. Forum of Environment and Public health Issues in Asian Mega-cities Seoul 2-3 December 2010, p 17-25


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