Research Fields

Research Fields

School of Biotechnology and Food Technology involve actively to the contribution and implementation in Research programmes at National, Ministry, Province level and Research funds.
Our research focuses on 02/04 priority research areas of Hanoi University of Science and Technology:

1. Science and Technology for Health :
– Developing enzyme technology and microbiological technology to create bioactive substances to enhance human health and production:

  • Exploit bioactive compounds and applications in functional foods and pharmaceuticals;
  • Study on enzymes, recombinant enzymes and enzymatic techniques applied in food and pharmaceutical industries;
  • Research and application of probiotic bacteria, prebiotics in food and animal feed.

– Research and development of cell technology, molecular analysis and diagnosis:

  • Study and develop mammalian cell technology and products from animal cells applied in medicine and pharmaceuticals;
  • Develop analytical techniques and rapid diagnosis of diseases and pathogens;
  • Develop techniques for rapid analysis of toxins, pesticide residues.

– Research and application of advanced technology and equipment in analysis, preservation and post-harvest processing to improve quality and food safety:

  • Research and application of advanced technology and equipment in analysis, preservation and post-harvest processing.

– Quality management and food safety

2. Sustainable Energy and Environment :
– Develop equipment and technology to treat environmental wastewater and organic residues by microbiological technology ;
– Study on  effective use of agricultural by-products,  post-harvest and food industry to ensure sustainable development ;
– Study on biofuel production technology.

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