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Center for Research and Development in Biotechnology

Center for Research and Development in Biotechnology (CRDB) was found in 2010 on the basis of the Second Higher Education Project funded by World Bank, with the objective “Enhancement of Training and Research Capacity in Industrial Biotechnology at Hanoi University of Science and Technology”.  CRDB focus on three main activities:

  • Research, development and verification of the techniques in Biotechnology
  • Provide the basic and enhanced training courses in Biotechnology
  • Research and development of novel products for life

The center has 4 laboratory clusters designed as a complete line for the development of product manufacturing technology; process control and product quality control. With state of the art instrument and an open research environment, scientists have an ideal condition for researching, innovating and trial applying the biotechnology solutions in manufacturing and life. The center is an attractive destination for scientific research and training of high-quality human resource in biotechnology.

Laboratory for Gene manipulation: The laboratory is equipped with instruments for gene manipulation such as DNA sequencer, PCR and Real-time PCR systems, DNA/RNA hybridization, Nanodrop 2000, …. These instruments are necessary for researches of gene characterization, gene cloning and expression. Besides, the laboratory is equipped with ELISA system, instrument for generating the quick test on the basis of lateral flow immunoassay test strip. This laboratory offer the service for analysis of viruses in food by molecular technique such as RT-PCR, RT-LAMP.

Laboratory for Proteomics: The laboratory is equipped with state of the art and synchronic instrument for researches on the protein field such as PROTEON XPR – protein interaction system, 1-D and 2-D electrophoresis system, fluorescent labeling 2-D electrophoresis system, isoelectric protein fractionation system, protein purification system – FPLC, fluorescent scanner, gel analyzing softwares, western blot,…. These instruments are necessary for researches on proteome, enzymes, peptides and products of gene expression. This is ideal environment for research and application of protein. Our laboratory has successfully established high throughput gene expression systems including E. coliBacillus subtilis, B. megaterium, Baculovirus for research and service. Our lab has also established the technology procedure for producing the rapid tests on the basis of antigen-antibody interaction, aptamers-oligonucleotide for research and service.

Laboratory for Fermentation: The laboratory is equipped with fermentors of 2 litters to 150 litters for research and application of fermentation techniques to improve and optimize the fermentation processes to enhance the production yield of end products. The ability of gene expression and metabolism of microorganisms will be optimized by appropriate fermentation techniques and conditions such as pH, temperature, velocity, medium supplying technique, product separation,… With different scales of fermentation (from laboratory to pilot scale), the fermentor systems also allows to study the scale transfer of fermentation process – an important step in technology transfer to manufacture.

Laboratory for Downstream Processing: is the final laboratory in the chain of four laboratory clusters belonging to our center. The role of this laboratory cluster is very important. The products from fermentation will be recovered and perfected to create the final products using modern instruments such as continuous centrifuge systems, high speed centrifuge, high pressure homogenizer, membrane filtration system, lyophilization, dry spray system, …. The laboratory is also equipped with HPLC systems to analyze the components of products.

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