The School of Biotechnology and Food Technology always focuses on developing cooperation with universities, institutes and research centers, domestic and international organizations on the principle of common development and ensuring benefits of partners with the following purposes:
- Create a dynamic training and integrated environment. Improve the training quality, link training with scientific research and industry, improve the human resource quality.
- Develop the training and research projects with feature national and regional visions. Being a part of international and regional research network.
- Organize and co-organize the conferences, seminars, international trainings.
International partners
Partners of School of Biotechnology and Food Technology mainly located in Asia, EU and Australia:
- UK: Natural Resources Institute (NRI)
- Austria: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU)
- Belgium: Ghent University, Liege University
- Portugal: Porto University
- Cambodia: Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)
- Netherland: Wageningen University
- Italia: Pisa University, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
- Myanmar: Yangon University
- Japan: Kochi University; Gifu University; Niigata University; Nagaoka University, Kagawa University
- France: CIRAD; Aix Marseille University; Institue de Recherche pour le Dévelopement (IRD); AgroSup Dijon; INSA Toulouse, SupAgro Montpellier, Paul Sabatier Toulouse III.
- Roumania: Institute for Animal Biology and Nutrition (IBNA)
- Thailand: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) ; Kasetsart University, Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit (CSTRU) ; Suranaree University of Technology, Prince of Songkla University
International network
- The ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net)
- Strengthening cooperation in food safety research in the enlarged European Union (FOODSEG)
- Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
- ISEKI-FoodAssociation (IFA)
- Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Total Food Supply Chain (MoniQA)
International projects:
- Multi-disciplinary Network Platform: To assess value chain opportunity for plant-based protein by upcycling food waste and improving food safety (GCRF and UK Research and Innovation Project), Assoc. Prof. Chu Ky Son, 2021-2022
- GREEN waste management new edUcation System for recycling and environmental protection in asia (GREENUS) (European Community-Erasmus + Project). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Lan Huong, 2021-2024
- Development of Innovative Technologies for Milk and Dairy Industry in Vietnam (FOAR project – Argentina). Assoc. Prof. Chu Ky Son, 2018 – 2019
- Universities as key partners for the new challenges regarding food safety and quality in ASEAN (European Community – ERAMUS+). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Minh Tu. 2015-2018.
- Enhancement of recovery yield of Gac oil (Momordica cochinchinensis and minimising of carotenoid loss by direct extraction method from fresh Gac fruit (AUNSEED Net). Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hoang. 2016-2018.
- Network of Universities and Enterprises for Food Training in Southeast Asia (European Community – ERAMUS+). Assoc. Prof. Chu Ky Son. 2015-2018
- Production of cellulosic fermentable carbons by biocatalysis under high dry matter content (French Embassy). Asso. Prof. To Kim Anh. 2015-2017.
- Exploring vegetal and microbial diversity and technological innovation for food quality and safety (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – AUF). Dr. Chu Ky Son, 2013-2014.
- Gains from losses of root and tuber crops (GRATITUDE) . FP7-EU. Assoc. Prof. To Kim Anh, 2012-2014.
- Strengthening cooperation in food safety research in the enlarged European Union (FOODSEG) ( (FP7-EU). Assoc. Prof. To Kim Anh, 2011-2013.
- Production of maltodextrin and lactic acid from several tropical starches in South East Asian countrie (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), CSTRU, AIT, CIRAD). Assoc. Prof. Le Thanh Mai, 2010-2011.
- Valorisation of agricultural by-products by biotechnology improvement for 2nd generation bioethanol (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – AUF). Prof. Ha Duyen Tu and Assoc. Prof. To Kim Anh, 2008-2010
- Towards synchronous solutions to ensure food quality and safety in the food supply chain – MoniQA (European Community FP6-EU), 2007-2010