In 1985, from the Faculty of Food Technology, according to the development orientation of Biotechnology, Hanoi University of Technology established the Biotechnology Center. The function and mission of the Center are to train science and technology staff with a high level in Biotechnology.
In 1999, the Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology was established on the basis of merging the Center of Biotechnology and the Faculty of Food Chemistry, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. The Institute’s mission is to train the following disciplines: Biotechnology, Food Technology, and Food Machine. Department of Biotechnology was separated from Microbiology and Genetic Engineering in 2003. At that time there was 8 staff, including 6 lecturers and 2 teaching assistant staff.
The Department of Biotechnology was founded in 2003 by being separated from the Department of Microbiology (now is the Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry & Genetic Engineering). Department is responsible for teaching, conducting research, and providing technology transfer services in the area of Biotechnology. The focus of the Department includes basic research in biotechnology such as enzyme technology, microbial engineering, fermentation technology, bioactive compounds, and environmental microbiology.
Currently, the department has six official staff, including three associate professors, two doctors, and one master. The department members’ research activities are a reflection of the expertise of its department members, who are highly trained and well regarded both in academia and the industrial sector. The department commits to facilitating interaction and collaboration among researchers, students, individuals, domestic and international institutions. The department members always try their best to build the department to be a leading unit of training, research, and technology transfer.
We welcome and highly appreciate the support and collaboration from individuals, enterprises, both domestic and international institutions in training and scientific research activities.