Food Engineering Training Program

Food Engineering Training Program

1. Number of students

Year of Enrollment Course Number of Enrollments
2017 K62 216
2018 K63 208
2019 K64 200
2020 K65 211
2021 K66 200

Enrollment code: BF2
Statistics of students who graduated in the last 5 years:

  • 1.3% of students graduated with excellent grades;
  • 35.3% of students graduated with excellent grades;
  • 63.4% of students graduated with good grades;
  • 4.78 is the average number of years it takes for a student to graduate from a TPE engineer (standard training period is 5 years);
  • 90% of students have a stable job within 6 months after graduation.

2. Training code: 7540102
3. Framework of the training program

The framework of the Food Engineering curriculum includes: basic knowledge blocks, core industry knowledge, specialized elective knowledge, and engineering and integrated knowledge in bachelor – master’s degree.
Details of the training program framework:

4. Description of the training program

School of Biotechnology & Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology is the first unit to build and take the lead in training engineers in the field. Starting from the early days of the school’s establishment (in 1956) up to now, the School of Biotechnology-Food Technology has been training 65 courses of Food Technology and Food Technology engineers. Graduated engineers are currently working and holding responsibilities in universities and research Schools, technology manager, production manager, product quality manager in the company’s enterprises, key engineers in the operation of production lines and equipment systems, expert in research & development of products as well as a number of other fields related to the food industry.

Students study and practice on a modern and synchronous equipment system

The Food Engineering training program provides a combination of core areas of knowledge about biochemical materials and their properties for the construction of food products, process engineering combined with knowledge on setting up and managing technology systems. Students enrolled in the Food Engineering program study intensive training in the following three majors:

  • Food Technology;
  • Quality management;
  • Processing and Equipment of Food Technology.

4.1. Majors in Food Technology

The Food Technology major (CNTP) focuses on providing knowledge in food science and process and equipment engineering in post-harvest technology, food preservation, and processing technology, product quality control, etc.… with the goal of providing a solid foundation for the application of food science to the production of food products.

Students majoring in Food Technology will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to analyze and develop technical and technological solutions to holistically solve the problems of the food industry. Food industry graduates can work and develop their competencies and abilities in the fields of research, training, consulting, production, and development of food products and related fields.

 Students practice food technology

4.2. Quality Management

Systematic control of the production process and technology process to ensure the commitment of product quality to customers is now a mandatory requirement for all businesses and especially imperative for manufacturing enterprises. Quality management systems create common standards that enable quality control not only of the final product but also of the entire production system from input materials to output and in-process. The systematic quality control on the one hand creates confidence in the company’s commitment to stable quality to customers and, on the other hand, more importantly, allows the enterprise to improve productivity and reduce risks through timely intervention in each stage of the production process.

Meeting the actual requirements of production and management, the subjects of Product Quality Management have been included in the Food Engineering training program.
The specialized training program in Quality Management (Quality Management) was established and officially put into training under the diploma system at Hanoi University of Science and Technology since 2009.
Graduates of the Quality Management major can participate in teaching, research, and have the ability to work in QC&QA (Quality Management and Assurance) positions in factories producing and processing food products.


Students are always focused on practical training

4.3. Processing and Equipment of Food Technology

On the basis of basic knowledge of food technology, students majoring in Processing and Equipment of Food Technology  are equipped with in-depth knowledge of process calculation, design of equipment in heat transfer, mass transfer, mechanical systems, refrigeration systems, applications in food production and processing – biology. In addition, students are also equipped with knowledge, skills, and practice to integrate automatic measurement & control systems, process control, supervisory control data processing (SCADA) systems, applications in food production and processing lines.

Students majoring in Processing and Equipment of Food Technology have the ability to design food production equipment lines, manage automated production lines at food processing plants as well as some other production areas. Students also have many opportunities for further study, working at business enterprises, universities, or research institutes of machines and equipment.

5. Scholarship opportunities for students

  • Scholarships according to regulations of Hanoi University of Science and Technology;
  • Study encouragement scholarships for students who overcome difficulties and excellent students of companies and alumni/lecturers of the institute;
  • Scholarships to exchange/training undergraduate and graduate students with partner schools and businesses;
  • Scholarships and awards for scientific research students;
  • Postgraduate training scholarships (Master, Ph.D.).

6. Scientific research and extracurricular activities

  • Opportunity to participate in scientific research right from the 3rd year;
  • Opportunity to participate in organizing student activities from Student Unions of School of Biotechnology & Food Technology;
  • Opportunity to join Student Clubs such as FOBIC Club, English Club;
  • Opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities organized by the School Union, Departments, and clubs in the school;
  • Opportunity to attend internship with different business
  • And many other extracurricular activities.


Students participate in Scientific Research and attend Student Research Conferences

Students visit business partners