Assoc. Prof. Pham Hai Vu

Visiting senior lecturer

Office: 207-C4, Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Phone: +84-24 3868 2453



  • 2010: PhD in Economics, Speciality: Public Economics. Paris Dauphine University
  • 2005: Master in Economics. Speciatliy! Economics and Management of Information and Network. Paris Sud University,
  • 2002: Bachelor in Economics. Speciality: International Economics. Foreign Trade University, Vietnam

Professional experience

  • 2023-2024 Visiting researcher at Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD), and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). Topic : Vietnam’s Food system and climate change.
  • 2012 – present: Lecturer with tenure in Public Policy Analysis. Institut Agro Dijon. France. Researcher at Center of Applied Economics and Sociology on Agriculture and Rural Area, UMR 1041 CESAER, France.
  • 2011 – 2012: Post-doc fellow. VetAgro Sup, campus Clermont-Ferrand, France. Topic: public regulation regime for industrial sites.

Teaching responsibilities

  • EU Common Agricultural Policy (Engineer cursus)
  • Public regulation and Food Enterprises (Engineer cursus)
  • Agricultural policies in South Countries (Engineer cursus)
  • Macro-Economics (Master program)
  • Economy and Territories (Master program)
  • Location strategy  for economic activities (Master program)

Research activities

  • Public infrastructure project and land use conflicts,
  • Food safety regulation,
  • Sustainable agri-food chain,
  • Transformation of food system


  • 2021-2022  Coordinator of the project OPERANT Organization and Environmental performance of territorial agri-food chains, funded by the French Agency of Ecological Transition (ADEME) (4 research centers in Bourgogne Franch-Comté and Pays de La Loire)
  • 2018 – 2021 Coordinator of the project Food2C, Providing Food to Cities : conditions to have a sustainable local food model, funded by the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir (8 French and Vietnamese research centers and Universities in Hanoi, Hue and Dijon)
  • 2017 – 2018 Coordinator of the project ProFood2C :Providing food to cities, a comparative perspective between France and Vietnam, funded by AgroSup Dijon (4 French and Vietnamese research centers).
  • 2015 , 2016 Coordinator of the project SAFAS: Safe foods and Alternative Solutions in Vietnam (team building and networking with Vietnamese researchers).

Scientific publications

Selected peer review publications

  • Gaëlle Leduc, Gordana Manevska-Tasevska, Helena Hansson, Marie Arndt, Zoltán Bakucs, Michael Böhm, Mihai Chitea, Violeta Florian, Lucian Luca, Anna Martikainen, Hai Vu Pham, Marioara Rusu (2021) How are ecological approaches justified in European Rural Development Policy? Evidence from a content analysis of CAP and Rural Development discourses . Journal of Rural Studies. Vol. 86, 611-622
  • Hai Vu Pham, Tuong Lan Dinh (2020) The Vietnam’s food control system: Achievements and remaining issues, Food Control, Volume 108, 2020,
  • Kim Pollermann, Francis Aubert, Marielle Berriet-Solliec, Catherine Laidin, Denis Lépicier, Hai Vu Pham, Petra Raue, and Gitta Schnaut (2020) Leader as a European Policy for Rural Development in a Multilevel Governance Framework: A Comparison of the Implementation in France, Germany and Italy. European Countryside. Vol. 12, No.2 pp. 152-178.
  • Pham, Simon and Torre. (2015) The ex-ante impact of conflict over infrastructure settings on residential property values -The case of Paris’s suburban zones. Urban Studies. Vol 52. No.13. pp.2404-2424
  • Kirat, T. et Pham, H.V. (2010), Land use conflict in periurban areas of Île de France, Réflexions Immobilières, Octobre.2010. 15 pages. Price of the best article of the journal in 2010

Associated Editor in a scientific journal

Special Number in October 2020: The evolution of city food system in Vietnam – 3 decades after the Economic Reform, In the journal of Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences In collaboration with Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Coordination of book and report

  • Pham Hai Vu, Simonin Hélène, Rat Aspert Olivier, Crou Mathilde, Duchaine Sibylle, Duboys de la Barre Matthieu, Petit Gaëlle, Tanguy Corinne, Rousselière Samira, Carnoye Leslie. 2022. The development of local agri-food chains face to future challenges. Research report to ADEME (French National Agency of ecological transition.). 187 pages.
  • Pham H.V, Delmotte R., Le Loarer Q., Nguyen T.T.L, Le N.T, Nguyen T.S, Bui Q.N. Mai T.T.N, Hoang V.Q, Hoang M.H., Bruckert M., Nguyen V.T. (2021) The Hanoi’s distribution system of vegetables, Mapping and measuring the flows. Technical report of the ISITE Food2C Project. July 2021. 61 pages.
  • PHAM H.V et MARIE-VIVIEN D.(dir) 2017, La sécurité sanitaire des aliments au Vietnam, Etat des lieux prluridisciplinaire sur les enjeux au niveau de la production, de la distribution, des politiques publiques et des risques microbiologiques. Edition THE GIOI, Hanoi, 208p.
  • PHAM H.V et DAO T.A. (dir.) An toàn thực phẩm nông sản, một số hiểu biết về sản phẩm, hệ thống sản xuất phân phối và chính sách nhà nước. Ed. NXB Nông Nghiệp, Việt nam, 2016. 213 p

Selected publications in Vietnamese

Phạm Hải Vũ và Đào Thế Anh (2020) Hệ Thống thực phẩm, Khái niệm, Mục đích và triển vọng áp dụng ở Việt nam. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Nông nghiệp Việt Nam – Viện Khoa học nông nghiệp.

Phạm Hải Vũ (2020) Ứng dụng blockchain vào truy xuất thông tin nông thực phẩm, cơ sở lý thuyết và triển vọng ứng dụng thực tiễn. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Nông nghiệp Việt Nam – VIện Khoa học nông nghiệp.

Phạm Hải Vũ và Marie-Hélène Vergote (2016) Hệ thống ATTP của Liên minh châu Âu. Trong sách:  An toàn thực phẩm nông sản (pp.131-154). NXB Nông nghiệp.


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