Dr. Le Quang Hoa

Head of Genetic Labs

Office: 306-B1

Phone: +84-24 36231 457

Email: hoa.lequang@hust.edu.vn


  • 2004: PhD, Plant Biotechnology, ENSA Rennes and CIRAD Montpellier, France
  • 2000: MS, Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, ENSA Rennes, France
  • 1999: Engineering Diploma, Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

Professional experience

  • 2004 – Present: Lecturer-Researcher, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.

Research interests

  • Development of rapid and innovative methods using molecular and immunological techniques
  • Production of recombinant enzymes and proteins
  • Synthetic biology

Teaching responsibilities

  • Biochemistry
  • Practical class in Biochemistry
  • Practical class in recombinant DNA technology
  • Rapid methods in food analysis
  • Recombinant protein technology (MS course)
  • Molecular techniques in rapid analysis (MS course)


Principle Investigator

  • 2014-2017: Control of microbiological and bio-toxicological contaminants in seafood for the international trade: development and harmonization of innovative methods (Collaborative project between Vietnam and Italy), Ministry of Science and Technology
  • 2013-2016: Development of RT-LAMP kit for the rapid detection of Norovirus in bivalve mollusks, Ministry of Education and Training
  • 2009-2010: Development of a DNA macroarray for the rapid detection of multidrug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Office of Science and Technology of Hanoi
  • 2009-2010: Production of recombinant laccase for lignocellulosic hydrolysis. Subproject of Ministry of Science and Technology



  • Ai My Luong, Hélène Adam, Carole Gauron, Pablo Affortit, Fabrice Ntakirutimana, Ngan Giang Khong, Quang Hoa Le, Thi Nhu Le, Marie Fournel, Michel Lebrun, James Tregear, and Stefan JouannicFunctional Diversification of euANT/PLT Genes in Oryza sativa Panicle Architecture Determination. Front Plant Sci. 2021; 12: 692955. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.692955.
  • Giang Ngan Khong, Nhu Thi Le, Mai Thi Pham, Helene Adam, Carole Gauron, Hoa Quang Le, Dung Tien Pham, Kelly Colonges, Xuan Hoi Pham, Vinh Nang Do, Michel Lebrun , Stefan JouannicA cluster of Ankyrin and Ankyrin-TPR repeat genes is associated with panicle branching diversity in rice. PLoS Genet. 2021 Jun 7;17(6):e1009594. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009594.
  • Thuy Phung, Tung Tran, Dung Pham, Anh To, Hoa LeOccurrence and molecular characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from ready-to-eat meats in Hanoi, Vietnam. Ital J Food Saf. 2020 Oct 16;9(3):8772. doi: 10.4081/ijfs.2020.8772.
  • E. Suffredini, Q. H. Le, S. Di Pasquale, T. D. Pham, T. Vicenza, M. Losardo, K. A. To, D. De MediciOccurrence and molecular characterization of enteric viruses in bivalve shellfish marketed in Vietnam. 2020. 108: 106828. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106828.
  •  Tien V Tran, Ba V Nguyen , Thao T P Nguyen, Tung T Tran, Khanh G Pham, Quang B Le, Binh N Do, Hung N Pham, Chuyen V Nguyen, Duong P H Dinh, Van T Ha, Trang H T Doan, Hoa Q LeDevelopment of a highly sensitive magneto-enzyme lateral flow immunoassay for dengue NS1 detection. PeerJ. 2019 Sep 25;7:e7779. doi: 10.7717/peerj.7779.
Articles and Conferences


  • Ai My Luong, Hélène Adam, Carole Gauron, Pablo Affortit, Fabrice Ntakirutimana, Ngan Giang Khong, Quang Hoa Le, Thi Nhu Le, Marie Fournel, Michel Lebrun, James Tregear, and Stefan JouannicFunctional Diversification of euANT/PLT Genes in Oryza sativa Panicle Architecture Determination. Front Plant Sci. 2021; 12: 692955. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.692955. 
  • Giang Ngan Khong, Nhu Thi Le, Mai Thi Pham, Helene Adam, Carole Gauron, Hoa Quang Le, Dung Tien Pham, Kelly Colonges, Xuan Hoi Pham, Vinh Nang Do, Michel Lebrun , Stefan JouannicA cluster of Ankyrin and Ankyrin-TPR repeat genes is associated with panicle branching diversity in rice. PLoS Genet. 2021 Jun 7;17(6):e1009594. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009594.
  • Thuy Phung, Tung Tran, Dung Pham, Anh To, Hoa LeOccurrence and molecular characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from ready-to-eat meats in Hanoi, Vietnam. Ital J Food Saf. 2020 Oct 16;9(3):8772. doi: 10.4081/ijfs.2020.8772.
  • E. Suffredini, Q. H. Le, S. Di Pasquale, T. D. Pham, T. Vicenza, M. Losardo, K. A. To, D. De MediciOccurrence and molecular characterization of enteric viruses in bivalve shellfish marketed in Vietnam. 2020. 108: 106828. doi: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106828. 
  •  Tien V Tran, Ba V Nguyen , Thao T P Nguyen, Tung T Tran, Khanh G Pham, Quang B Le, Binh N Do, Hung N Pham, Chuyen V Nguyen, Duong P H Dinh, Van T Ha, Trang H T Doan, Hoa Q LeDevelopment of a highly sensitive magneto-enzyme lateral flow immunoassay for dengue NS1 detection. PeerJ. 2019 Sep 25;7:e7779. doi: 10.7717/peerj.7779.
  • Xuan The Le, Dung Tien Pham, Tuan Anh Pham, Tung Thanh Tran, Thanh Huu Khuat, Hoa Quang Le & Ut Ngoc VuExploration of genetic diversity of Bacillus spp. from industrial shrimp ponds in Vietnam by multi-locus sequence typing. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2019. Volume 22, Article number: 17.
  • Tien Viet Tran, Binh Nhu Do, Thao Phuong Thi Nguyen, Tung Thanh Tran, Son Cao Tran, Ba Van Nguyen, Chuyen Van Nguyen, Hoa Quang LeDevelopment of an IgY-based lateral flow immunoassay for detection of fumonisin B in maize. F1000Res. 2019 Jul 10;8:1042. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.19643.2.
  • H Quang Le, E Suffredini, D Tien Pham, A Kim To, D De MediciDevelopment of a method for direct extraction of viral RNA from bivalve molluscs. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2018 Nov. 67(5):426-434. doi: 10.1111/lam.13065.
  • Dung Tien Pham, Ha Thanh Thi Phan, Hoa Quang Le, 2017. Sensitive Detection of Noroviruses in Vietnam by Reverse Transcription Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification.Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol-3, Issue-3, 2017
  •  Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà, Nguyễn Phượng Minh, Lê Trọng Tài, Phạm Tiến Dũng, Lê Quang Hòa, 2016. TỔNG HỢP VÀ BIỂU HIỆN GEN CAF1 MÃ HÓA KHÁNG NGUYÊN F1 CỦA VI KHUẨN YERSINIA PESTIS. Tạp chí Công nghệ Sinh học 14(2).
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Phuong Minh, Le Trong Tai, Pham Tien Dung, Le Quang Hoa. 2016. Synthesis and expression of caf1 gene encoding F1 antigen of Yersinia pestis. Journal of Biotechnology 14, 353-359.
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Le Quang Hoa, Tran Thi Thanh Ha, Tran Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Viet Khong. 2016. Some molecular characteristics of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) isolated from the outbreaks in Vietnam in 2007, 2010, 2013. Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology XXIII-3. 26-34.

  • La Thi Quynh Nhu, Phan Thi Thanh Ha, Le Quang Hoa. 2015. Evaluation of Norovirus contamination in Pacific oysters with real-time RT-PCR. Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences 4. 38-43.

  • Phung Thi Thuy, To Kim Anh, Pham Tien Dung, Le Quang Hoa. 2015. Development of a new loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for rapid detection of L. monocytogenesJournal of Biotechnology 2A. 665-672.

  • Tran Thi Sao Mai, Nguyen Thi Khanh Tram, Le Quang Hoa. 2015. Nghiên cứu phát triển hệ thống sắc ký miễn dịch cạnh tranh phát hiện nhanh các độc tố ruột tụ cầu trong sữa. VNU Journal of Science 1. 23-31.

  • Le Quang Hoa, Tran Thi Sao Mai, Nguyen Thi Khanh Tram, To Kim Anh. 2014. Development of a lateral flow immunoassay for the rapid detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin A in milk. VNU Journal of Science 3S. 153-157.


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