Dr. Nguyen Lieu Ba (retired in 2019)


Office: 201b-C4

Phone: +84-24 3868 2452

Email: ba.nguyenlieu@hust.edu.vn


  • 2001: PhD, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • 1995: Master, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • 1985: Engineer, Moscow State University of Food Production, Russian

Professional experience

  • 1985 – present: Lecturer, HUST, Vietnam
  • 1985 – 1995: Researcher, Biotechnology Centre, HUST, Vietnam

Research interests

  • Đặc điểm sinh học của một số chủng Bacillus và Lactobacillus có khả năng ứng dụng để xử lý môi trường nuôi tôm cá
  • Nghiên cứu tạo chế phẩm Bioche và đánh giá tác dụng của chế phẩm đến môi trường nước nuôi tôm cá

Teaching responsibilities

  • BF 3111: Fundamentals in Microorganism
  • BF2013, BF3112: Practice of Micraobiology
  • BF 5120: Bio-fertilizer Technology


Principle Investigator

  • Research on raw meat preservation (pork, beef, chicken) by biological preparation containing nisin and organic acid (Hanoi Department of Science and Technology).


  • Phan Thanh TâmNguyễn Liêu Ba, Nguyễn Thị Tâm. Nghiên cứu bảo quản nguyên liệu thịt bằng chế phẩm nisin riêng rẽ và kết hợp. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ, Viện Khoa học công nghệ Việt Nam. Tập 49 (6A), 2011, 65-72.


Articles and Conferences

Books and book chapters

  • Bui Duc Hoi, Nguyen Vi Thu, Luong Hong Nga. (2004). A mannual guide for cereal products quality analysis. Hanoi University of Technology,
  • Bui Duc Hoi, Le Hong Khanh, Mai Van Le, Le Thi Cuc, Hoang Thi Ngoc Chau, Le Ngoc Tu, Luong Hong Nga. Cereal and Food Processing. Vol 1. Sciencetific and Technique Inc., 10, 2006, 2009
  • Bui Duc Hoi, Le Hong Khanh, Mai Van Le, Le Thi Cuc, Hoang Thi Ngoc Chau, Le Ngoc Tu, Luong Hong Nga. Cereal and Food Processing. Vol 2. Sciencetific and Technique Inc., 5, 2007, 2010
  • Mai Van Le, Bui Duc Hoi, Luong Hong Nga. (2013). Cereal and Food Preservation and Storage Technology. Hanoi University of Science and Technology Inc.


  • Boiled vegie egg processing technology and boiled vegie egg products. Luong Hong Nga, Bui Đuc Hoi, Hoang Đinh Hoa. National Office of Intellectual Property, 09/06/2014


  • Luong Hong Nga, Le Thanh Mai, Le Thi Cuc (1997). Use of brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces calsbergensis in the bread production”. Vietnamese Journal of Science and Technology25 (6). 8-14. National Center for Science and Technology of Vietnam
  • Luong Hong Nga, Bui Duc Hoi, Hoang Đinh Hoa, Pham Van Hung, Naofumi Morita. (2007). Study on physical properties of mung bean starch from different varieties. Journal of Science and Technology 45 (4). 61- 72
  • Nguyen Thi Minh Tu, Luong Hong Nga. (2008). Analysis of nutritional and volatile components in some vietnamese green bean and rice varieties. Chemistry journals46 (5A). 397-400.
  • Le Quynh Trang, Luong Hong NgaInvestigate the factors that affect cassava starches modification by hydrochloride. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and rural development, Ministry of agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam. 2013. No10, pp 68-74
  • Luong Hong Nga, Le Quynh Trang, Vu Hong Son. ( 2013). Effect of some factors on the modification of cassava starches by hypochloride. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam. No21, pp 54-58
  • Nguyen Thi Thao, Tu Viet Phu, Chu Ky Son, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Thi hoai Duc, Ben Bennet, Diego Naziri, To Kim Anh (2013). Application of value chain analysis in understanding the losses and wastes of cassava in Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 51, No 6A, pp 70-76.
  • Vu Thi Minh Hang, Luong Hong Nga, Ha Duyen Tu, Tu Viet Phu (2013). Establishing guidance for sensory quality standard of Vietnamese cellophane noodles. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 51, No 6A, pp 104-110
  • Luong Hong Nga, Tran Lien Ha (2013). Effect of α-amylase on the quality of bread. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 51, No 6A, pp 189-194
  • Nguyen Thi Anh Dao, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Dinh Tung (2013). Application of α-starch (pre-gelatinised starch) as binder in aquatic feed. Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 51, No 6A, pp 257-264.
  • Sirithorn Lertphanich, Rungtiva Wansuksri, Thierry Tran, Guillaume Da, Luong Hong Nga, Dominique Dufour, Kuakoon Piyachomkwan, Klanarong Sriroth (2013). Comparative study on physicochemical properties of ensete and water caltrop with other root, tuber and legume starches. Starch/ staerke, No65, pp1-13.
  • Lương Hồng Nga, Douangsavanh Houngtheva. 2014. Studying the effects of some technological factors on the quality of roll cake. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. Vol. 249, pp 60-66.
  • Lương Hồng Nga, Vũ Văn Du. 2014. Effect of denaturing method on galangal starch properties. Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. Vol. 250, tr 54-62.
  • Lương Hồng Nga, Phan Thanh Huyền, Nguyễn T. Hoài Đức, Chu Kỳ Sơn, Keith Tomlins, Tô Kim Anh. Study on the effects of high quality tapioca processing methods on the quality of Vietnamese plain bread. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 52(5B), pp. 410-416
  • Lương Hồng Nga, Đinh Thị Thu Huyền, Lâm Xuân Thanh. Effect of several factors on degeneration ability of some rice starch types. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 52(5B), pp. 669-678
  • Lương Hồng Nga, Hồ Phú Hà, Nguyễn T. Hoài Đức, Tô Kim Anh, Anton Sonneberg, Keith Tomlins. Effect of composition on physicochemical properties of gluten-free mixed flour for snack production. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol. 52(5B), pp. 274-280
  • Tu Viet Phu, Nguyen Thi Thao, Chu Ky Son, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Bennett Ben, Naziri Diego, Tomlins Keith, To Kim Anh. 2016. Potential use of by-products for animal feed from cassava in Viet Nam. Journal of Science and Development. Vol 14, No 1, pp 93-100
  • Chu Ky Son, Thi Hoan Pham, Kim Lien T. Bui, Tien Thanh Nguyen, Kim Dang Pham, Hoai Duc T Nguyen, Hong Nga Luong, Viet Phu Tu, Thanh Hang Nguyen, Phu Ha Ho, Thanh Mai Le. 2016, Simultaneous liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation at very high gravity of rice at pilot scale for portable ethanol production and distillers dried grains composition. Food and Bioproducts processing. Vol 98, 79-85
  • Nguyen Tien Cuong, Le Thi Thanh Tam, Nguyen Thi Yen, Luong Hong Nga; Yogurt-like Product from Fermented Maize Part I: Selection of Starter and Fermentation Conditions; Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities; vol 121, p.138-142; 09/2017
  • Nguyen Tien Cuong, Nguyen V.G., Nguyen T.H.D., Luong, H.N; Yogurt-like product from fermented maize: Quality improvement; Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities; vol 126, p. 44-48,6/2018
  • Tô H.T, Karria S.J, Nga L.H, Karrila T.T. Effect of blending and pregelatinizing order on properties of pregelatinized starch from rice and cassava. Food Research 4(1): 102 – 112 (February 2020) eISSN: 2550-2166, https://www.myfoodresearch.com/uploads/8/4/8/5/84855864/_14__fr-2019-245_to.pdf
  • Duong Hong Quan*, Hoang minh Tri, Nguyen Thị Hòng Gam, Nguyen Ngọc Hòa, Nguyễn Thị Trúc Lam, Nguyễn Thị Vân Anh, Lương Hồng Nga, Vũ Thu Trang. Control the formation of isomaltooligosacharide from sweet potato by performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detector (HPLC-RI)r. Tạp chí Hóa học. Vol. 58(5E3) (2020) ISSN: 0866 – 7144
  • Phùng Thị Thanh Trúc*, Dương Hồng Quân, An Duy Tuyên, Hoàng Minh Trí, Vũ Thu Trang, Lương Hồng Nga. Effect of retrogradation on the formation of slowly digestible sweet potato starch. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry. Vol.58 (5E3) (2020) ISSN: 0866 – 7144
  • Lương Hồng Nga. Study the effects of some additives on the quality of a sponge cake. Industry and Trade Magazine. Vol. 42, 61 – 62 (2020) ISSN: 0866 – 7756
  • Nguyễn Quang Đức*, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hòa, Nguyễn Đức Đoán, Nguyễn Xuân Phương, Lương Hồng Nga. Effect of soybean milk concentration on the formation of chemical bonds between soybean protein. Vietnam Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 58(5E3) (2020) ISSN: 0866 – 7144


  • Luong Nga Hong. (2003). Effect of rice flour and wheat flour on the texture quality (especially expansion ratio) of tapioca-based snack pellet. Proceedings of the 8th Asean Food Conference, 8-11 October 2003, Hanoi, Vietnam, Asean Food science and Technology: Cooperation and integration for development. Vol 1, pp 506-512
  • Luong Hong Nga. (2005). Changes of starch and sugar content in sweet potatoes roots during processing some conventional products. Proceedings of the Regional symposium on chemical Engineering 2005, November 30th– December 2nd:” New trends in Technology towards sustainable Development”, pp 80-85.
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hoa, Luong Hong Nga, Bui Duc Hoi, Hoang Dinh Hoa (2006). The improved method for mung bean starch isolation. Proceedings of the 20th scientific conference- Hanoi University of Technology, 2006, pp 89-94
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Hoa, Luong Hong Nga, Bui Duc Hoi, Le Thi Song (2006). Study the effects of chemicals on mung bean starch isolationProceedings of the 20th scientific conference- Hanoi University of Technology, pp 110-116
  • Bui Duc Hoi, Luong Hong Nga, Mai Thi Hoai, Nguyen Hong Phuong. (2006). Study the effects of mung bean starch’s purity on their physicochemical properties. Proceedings of the 20th scientific conference- Hanoi University of Technology, pp 126-130.
  • Luong Hong Nga, Mai Thi Hoai, Bui Duc Hoi, Hoang Dinh Hoa. (2007). Study the effect of the purification process on functional properties of mung bean starch and their application in glass noodle. Proceedings of the 10th Asean Food Conference, 8-11 August, 2007. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Luong Hong NgaNguyen Thi Minh Tu. 2008. Study on nutritional and flavour characteristics of some Vietnamese rice varieties. Abstract for poster presentation at the 13th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress. Cereal in the 21st century: Present and Future.
  • Nguyen Thi Minh Tu, Luong Hong Nga. (2008). Study on nutritional and flavour characteristics of some Vietnamese mung bean varieties. Abstract for poster presentation at the 13th ICC Cereal and Bread Congress. Cereal in the 21st century: Present and Future.
  • Guillaume Da, Thierry Tran, Hong Luong Nga, Juan Bautista  Sanz Hermandez, Dominique Dufour, Sunee Chotineeranat, Le Thanh Mai, Klanarong Sriroth. (2009). Tropical starches from south-East Asia. Morphological, thermal and pasting properties. Abstract for Oral presentation. International meeting “Bioethanol: Status and future”,Hanoi, March 25-26, 2009. pp14
  • Thierry Tran, Juan Bautista  Sanz Hermandez, Béatrice Bellassee, Guillaume Da, Hong Luong Nga, Dominique Dufour, Sunee Chotineeranat, Kuakoon Piyachomkwan, Klanarong Sriroth. (2009). Tropical starches from South- East Asia: Evaluation of noodles mechanical properties in relation with gel texture and stability under refrigerated and frozen conditions. Abstract for Oral presentation. International meeting “Bioethanol: Status and future”,Hanoi, March 25-26, 2009. pp15-16.
  • Thierry Tran, Juan Bautista Sanz Hernández, Béatrice Bellassee, Guillaume Da, Hong Luong Nga, Dominique Dufour, Sunee Chotineeranat, Kuakoon Piyachomkwan, Le Thanh Mai, Klanarong Sriroth (2009). Functioncal properties of marginal starches from South- East Asia. Oral presentation. 60th Starch convention- Detmold, Germany, 22-23 April, 2009.
  • Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Quang Hoa (2011). Study on the effects of maturity on the physicochemical properties of banana starches from banana. Proceedings of national conference on agricultural engineering and food preservation and processing.
  • Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Lam Xuan Thanh, Pham Minh Duc, Luong Hong Nga. (2011). Effects of washing step on acidity and remaining amount of manganese in eddible canna starchProceedings of national conference on agricultural engineering and food preservation and processing.
  • Luong Hong Nga, Chu Thi Quynh Tho. Study the effects of starch origins and other ingredients on starch film properties. The 5th international conference on bio-composites, Seoul, Korea. May 2011.
  • Luong Hong Nga, Ihsan Mabood Qazi, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Lam Xuan Thanh, Le Thanh Mai, Sudip Kumar Rakshit. Effect of bleaching agents on edible canna starch noodle qualities at small-scale processing in Vietnam. Proceedings of “Starch Update 2011”-the 6th international conference on starch technology- Bangkok- Thailand, 13-14th  February, 2012, pp378-385.
  • Luong Hong Nga, Phan Thanh Huyen, Vu Van Du, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Tu Viet Phu, Chu Ky Son, To Kim Anh. Effect of processing method on high quality cassava flour (HQCF) properties and bread quality. Proceedings of “Starch Update 2013”-the 7th international conference on starch technology- Bangkok- Thailand, 21-22nd November, 2013, pp 271-277.
  • Vu Van Du, Luong Hong Nga. Effect of some parameters on hydroxypropylattion of edible canna (canna edulis K.) starch. Proceedings of “Starch Update 2013”-the 7th international conference on starch technology- Bangkok- Thailand, 21-22nd November, 2013, pp 73-83.
  • Viet Phu Tu, Nguyen Thi Thao, Chu Ky Son, Nga Luong Hong, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Ben Bennett, Diego Naziri, Keith Tomlins, Kim Anh To. Cassava in Vietnam: Overview on value chain and market research for potential use of wastes. Proceedings for 3rd International ISEKI Food Conference 2014, Athen, Greece. 2014
  • Ho Phu Ha, Luong Hong Nga, Tu Viet Phu, To Kim Anh, Wolfgang Tosch. Development of Method to Produce Snacks Supplemented with Brewer’s Spent Cassava. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Food and Agricultural Science 2014 (ICFAS2014), Aukland, 2014
  • Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Xuan Truong, Nguyen Xuan Phuong. Effect of some substances on rice-starch based edible film physical properties. Proceedings of Starch Update 2015, pp 159-163, Thailand, 2015
  • Luong Hong Nga, Chu Ky Son, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Tu Viet Phu, Lateef Sanni, Keith Tomlins and To Kim Anh. Effect of High Quality Cassava Flour on cookies quality. Proceedings of Starch Update 2015, pp 42-46
  • Le Thanh Mai, Vu Thi Phuong, Bui Thi Thu Hang, Mai Dinh Vuong, Pham Ngoc Hung, Luong Hong Nga, Chu Ky Son. Influence of some factors on the simultaneous liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation and valorization of ethanol by-products. Proceedings of Starch Update 2015, pp 132-139
  • Luong Hong Nga, Bui Thi Thu Hang, Pham Thi Thuy, Nguyen Tien Thanh Pham Kim Dang, Chu Ky Son. Assesment of biochemical and nutritional value of distiller dried grains from some ethanol plants in Vietnam for animal feeding. Processing of International Conference on Animal Feeding In South East Asia: Challenges and Prospects AFSEA 2015
  • Nguyen Thi Nga, Bui Thi Thu Hang, Mai Dinh Vuong, Ho Phu Ha, Pham Kim Dang, Nguyen Tien Thanh, Tu Viet Phu, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Ngoc Hoang, Do Khac Uan, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Le Thanh Mai, Chu Ky Son. Development of process for distillers dried grains with solubles from by-products of rice-based simultaneous liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation. Processing of International Conference on Animal Feeding In South East Asia: Challenges and Prospects AFSEA 2015


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