Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Cach

Senior lecturer

Office: 201-C4

Phone: +84-24 3868 2452



  • 1989: PhD, Fermentation Technology, Humbold University,Germany
  • 1983: Engineer, Fermentation Technology, Hanoi University of  Science and Technology, Việt nam

Professional experience

  • 2013-present: Professor, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, HUST
  • 2010-2013: Associate Prof., School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, HUST
  • 1984 -2010: Associate Prof., School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, HUST
  • 1974-1978: Amy service

Research interests

  • Application of microorganisms for technological purposes in food technology, in agriculture, medicine, in environment etc.

Teaching responsibilities

  • Fundamentals in Microorganisms; Technologies of applied Microorganisms; Bioinformatics; Technologies of Antibiotic fermentation
  • Controlling of fermentation proccesses
  • Trends in biotechnology


  • Studying on applying microbial treatment with suitable solution control of odour and leachate for developing a suitable method of domestic solid wastes in Vietnam (State research project KC.08.17/26-20, 2017-2020)
  • Developing a new suitable method of wastewater treatment and solid wastes from village of Canna edulis. Ker processing
  • Studying on applying of microbial technology and energy-saving apparatus for developing of  new suitable method of domestic wastewater treatment in Vietnam (State research project KC.04.23/06-10, 2007-2010)
  • Studying on developing of a fluidization aeration mixing apparatus for a aerobic fermentation tank in biotechnology
  • Applying of patent no. 7430 (WIPO: WO/2009/052535 A2, dated 23/04/2009) for setting up a leachate treatment plant in damping state of domestic solid wastes for a scale (State applied project SHTT.TW.23-2018, 2018-2020).
  • Applying of patent no. 12077 (WIPO: WO/2011/094768 A1, dated 04/08/2011) for setting up a wastewater treatment plant in village of rice vermicelli production named Me in Tan Hoa, Hung Ha, Thai Binh  (State applied project CT68/2012-2013/TW-SC3, 2013-2015)



  • Technologies of antibiotic compounds; Hanoi 2004
  • Bioinformatics (in Vietnamese language); Hanoi 2005
  • Fundamental Biotechnology: Technologies of microorganisms; Hanoi 2010

Patents and technical solutions 

  • National patent No 21681 (SR-Vietnam, dated 12/08/2019, 2 authors)
  • Intern. patent No WO 2019/237134 (WIPO, dated 09/01/2020)
  • National patent No 10277 (SR-Vietnam, dated 08/05/2012)
  • Intern. patent No WO/2011/094768 A1 (WIPO, dated 04/08/2011)
  • National patent No 7430 (SR-Vietnam, dated 18/12/2008)
  • Intern. patent No WO/2009/052535 A2 (WIPO, dated 23/04/2009

Technical solutions

  • Centrifugal mixing apparatus of four components (SR-Vietnam, 11/5/2012, 2 authors)
  • Method of acetic acid production (SR-Vietnam, dated 07/09/1991, 8 authors)

Scientific award

  • Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award 2010: Research, design and manufacture of high-load fluidized bed aeration mixing equipment for installation of aerobic fermentation tanks in biotechnology

Publications (in last 10 years)

  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen van Cach, Trinh Dinh Giap: Optimization of fermentation conditions for collecting of Bacillus subtilisNT1 biomassused in Canna edulis. Ker processing wastewater treatment; Journal of Forest science and technology, 2, pp. 3 – 8; Hanoi 2017
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen, Van Cach, Pham Thi Thuy Giang, Tran Lien Ha: Research on manufacturing microorganisms for processing tapioca starch from indigenous Bacillus strains; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 8, p. 82-88; Hanoi 2017
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Van Cach, Le Thi Lan, Tran Lien Ha: Research on reuse of galangal residue to grow white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida); Journal of Science and Technology of Vietnam, 5, 16, p. 54 – 58; Hanoi 2017
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Van Cach, Tran Lien Ha, Pham Thi Thuy Giang: Microbiologycal characterization and potential application of indigenous B. methylotrophycus Ba1 in handling of Canna edulis. Ker processing craft village wastewater; Journal of Forest science and technology, 5, pp. 3-9; Hanoi 2016
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Diep: Isolation and selection of indigenous Bacillus strains capable of converting organic compounds in wastewater from the village of galangal starch processing; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1, 2, p. 101-107; Hanoi 2016


  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach (2010). Present status of water environment inHanoi and some solution for this situation. Forum of Environment and Public health Issues in Asian Mega-cities Seoul 2-3 December 2010, 17-25.
  • Tran Lien Ha , Do Tien Anh, Nguyen Van Cach (2010). Bioremediation-polluted surface water treatment. International conference “ Water supply and water quality” 20-23/6/2010 Kolobrzeg Poland,1, 277-284.
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Hang, Nguyen Thanh Hoa. (2006) Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum NC13 producing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting peptides. Proceeding of the second international conference on the development of biomedical engineering in Vietnam, 236-241

Applied solutions of research results in the praxis

  • Applying the invention “Integrated five functions and adjustable tanks for wastewater treatment” to develop a wastewater treatment model for the craft village producing rice cakes and vermicelli (In Me village, Tan Hoa commune, Hung Ha district , Thai Binh province; 2014)
  • Application of 5-function integrated treatment tanks for urban wastewater treatment (Treatment module of 90 m3 at Spillway A, Air Conditioning Yen So, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi; 2010)
  • Application of fluidized bed aeration mixing equipment to supply gas for lake water (at Sai Dong 1 Lake, Gia Lam District, Hanoi; 2007)
  • Producing beer-flavored soft drinks (at Ong Nam Ha Company, Nam Ha province; 1995)
Articles and Conferences


  • Technologies of antibiotic compounds; Hanoi 2004
  • Bioinformatics (in Vietnamese language); Hanoi 2005
  • Fundamental Biotechnology: Technologies of microorganisms; Hanoi 2010

Patents and technical solutions 

  • National patent No 21681 (SR-Vietnam, dated 12/08/2019, 2 authors)
  • Intern. patent No WO 2019/237134 (WIPO, dated 09/01/2020)
  • National patent No 10277 (SR-Vietnam, dated 08/05/2012)
  • Intern. patent No WO/2011/094768 A1 (WIPO, dated 04/08/2011)
  • National patent No 7430 (SR-Vietnam, dated 18/12/2008)
  • Intern. patent No WO/2009/052535 A2 (WIPO, dated 23/04/2009

Technical solutions

  • Centrifugal mixing apparatus of four components (SR-Vietnam, 11/5/2012, 2 authors)
  • Method of acetic acid production (SR-Vietnam, dated 07/09/1991, 8 authors)

Scientific award:

  • Vietnam Science and Technology Innovation Award 2010: Research, design and manufacture of high-load fluidized bed aeration mixing equipment for installation of aerobic fermentation tanks in biotechnology

Publications (in last 10 years)

  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen van Cach, Trinh Dinh Giap: Optimization of fermentation conditions for collecting of Bacillus subtilisNT1 biomassused in Canna edulis. Ker processing wastewater treatment; Journal of Forest science and technology, 2, pp. 3 – 8; Hanoi 2017
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen, Van Cach, Pham Thi Thuy Giang, Tran Lien Ha: Research on manufacturing microorganisms for processing tapioca starch from indigenous Bacillus strains; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, No. 8, p. 82-88; Hanoi 2017
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Van Cach, Le Thi Lan, Tran Lien Ha: Research on reuse of galangal residue to grow white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus florida); Journal of Science and Technology of Vietnam, 5, 16, p. 54 – 58; Hanoi 2017
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Van Cach, Tran Lien Ha, Pham Thi Thuy Giang: Microbiologycal characterization and potential application of indigenous B. methylotrophycus Ba1 in handling of Canna edulis. Ker processing craft village wastewater; Journal of Forest science and technology, 5, pp. 3-9; Hanoi 2016
  • Nguyen Nhu Ngoc, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Diep: Isolation and selection of indigenous Bacillus strains capable of converting organic compounds in wastewater from the village of galangal starch processing; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1, 2, p. 101-107; Hanoi 2016
  • Tran Thi Thu Lan, Nguyen Van Cach, Le Thi Huong, Tran Thi Hong Huong: Study on the growth of Bacillus velezensis M2 and applying it for treatment of cattle slaughterhouse wastewater; Journal ofScience and Technology, 54- 4A, p 213-220; Hanoi 2016
  • Tran Thi Thu Lan, Nguyen Van Cach, Le hí Huong: Isolation and selection of aerobic bacteria strains capable of application in wastewater treatment for cattle slaughter; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 17, p 75-81; Hanoi 2916
  • Tran Thi Thu Lan, Nguyen Van Cach, Le Huu Huong: Isolation and selection of strains of microorganisms capable of proteolytic protein, large biomass generation and application in wastewater treatment for cattle slaughter; Journal of Natural Resources and Environment 24, p 33-35; Hanoi 2015
  • Nguyen Van Cach, Tran Lien Ha: Study on the combined use of Bacillus subtilis CN2 bacterial inoculants and forced ventilation to treat lake water contaminated with organic substances; Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development; Hanoi, 2013
  • Nguyen Van Cach: Adjustable tank incorporated five functions for biological treatment of waste waterhttp: // DocId = WO2011094768 & recNum = 1 & office = & queryString = FP% 3A% 28Nguyen + Van + Cach% 29 & prevFilter = & sortOption = Pub + Date + Desc & maxRec = 3
  • Nguyen Van Cach: Isolation and selection of bacteria capable of efficiently degrading organic compounds in municipal wastewater; Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 49, No. 1A, p. 223-231; Hanoi 2011
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach: Isolation and selection nitrifying bacteria to apply for treatment on urban waste water in Hanoi, Vietnam; Food Science Engineering and Technology; Vol. 2, pp. 44-47, Plovdi 2011 (Bulgaria) 2011
  • Nguyen Van Cach: Fluidization Aeration Mixing Apparatus;
  • Bui Thi Hai Hoa, Nguyen Van Cach, Dang Thi Thu (2009). Investigation of suitable conditions for the transgalactosyl reaction using b-galactsidase from Aspergillus oryzae 3 to produce galactooligosaccharide (GOS) from lactose, Journal of Science and Technology: 47 (2).


  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach (2010). Present status of water environment inHanoi and some solution for this situation. Forum of Environment and Public health Issues in Asian Mega-cities Seoul 2-3 December 2010, 17-25.
  • Tran Lien Ha , Do Tien Anh, Nguyen Van Cach (2010). Bioremediation-polluted surface water treatment. International conference “ Water supply and water quality” 20-23/6/2010 Kolobrzeg Poland,1, 277-284.
  • Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thi Hang, Nguyen Thanh Hoa. (2006) Isolation and characterization of Lactobacillus plantarum NC13 producing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibiting peptides. Proceeding of the second international conference on the development of biomedical engineering in Vietnam, 236-241

Applied solutions of research results in the praxis

  • Applying the invention “Integrated five functions and adjustable tanks for wastewater treatment” to develop a wastewater treatment model for the craft village producing rice cakes and vermicelli (In Me village, Tan Hoa commune, Hung Ha district , Thai Binh province; 2014)
  • Application of 5-function integrated treatment tanks for urban wastewater treatment (Treatment module of 90 m3 at Spillway A, Air Conditioning Yen So, Hoang Mai District, Hanoi; 2010)
  • Application of fluidized bed aeration mixing equipment to supply gas for lake water (at Sai Dong 1 Lake, Gia Lam District, Hanoi; 2007)
  • Producing beer-flavored soft drinks (at Ong Nam Ha Company, Nam Ha province; 1995)


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