Dr. Pham Tuan Anh

Head of Departement

Office: 201b-C4

Phone: +84-24 3868 2452

Fax: +84-24 3868 2470

Email: anh.phamtuan2@hust.edu.vn


  • 2011: PhD, Biotechnology, University of Provence, France
  • 2007: Master, Food Science, University of Burgundy, France
  • 2004: Engineer, Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (formerly Hanoi University of Technology), Vietnam

Professional experience

  • 2010-present: Lecturer, department of Microbiology – Biochemistry – Molecular Biology. School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.

Research interests

  • Bioethanol production from agricultural byproducts: sugarcane bagasse, rice straw…
  • Fractionation of sugarcane bagasse for cellulose production
  • Enzyme, recombined enzyme and its application in industry (such as: bioethanol, waste water treatment…)
  • Fermentation technology for enzyme, biomass production

Teaching responsibilities

  • BF3509: Food microbiology
  • BF3702, BF3501: Practice of Microbiology
  • BF4707: Fermentation technology
  • BF4708: Practice of fermentation
  • BF5140: Antibiotic fermentation
  • BF6125: Biofuel (for graduate)


Principle Investigator

  • 2019-2020: Produce polysaccharopeptide PSK, PSP from Trametes versicolorand apply in funtional food production. ĐT.05.19/CNSHCB
  • 2019-2020: Selection of lipid and beta-carotene accumulated yeast for feed application. B2019-BKA-05.
  • 2015: Screening fungal cellulase for nanocellulose production from pretreated sugarcane bagasse. HUST
  • 2013-2014Eco-friendly pretreatment of sugar cane bagasse for ethanol production (Ministry of Industry and Trade).
  • 2011: Isolation and selection of fungi producing feruloyl esterase. HUST


  • 2021-2013: Metabolic engineering of Vibrio natriegens for production of lysine from shrimp processing by-products. Vietnamese-German Bilateral Project, Ministry of Science and Technology
  • 2020-2022: Development of integrated energy-saving and very high gravity technology for ethanol production. (Ministry of Science and Technology)
  • 2017-2020: Recombinant Nattokinase production and applying for medical production in industrial scale.
  • 2016-2018: Nanocellulose production from cassava bagasse and applying in food and medical industry. ĐT.07.16/CNSHCB
  • 2012-2014: Bioconversion of waste and byproducts from natural rubber production for the 2ndgeneration biofuel development and pollution mitigation-Collaborative project between Vietnam and Japan (Ministry of Science and Technology).
  • 2012-2013: Improvement of production technologyof nattokinase as material for drug product and functional food. Ministry of Education and Training
  • 2012-2013: Production and application of enzyme in refining proccess of pulp. Hanoi Department of Science and Technology.
  • 2011-2015: Establishment of Carbon-Cycle-System with Natural Rubber (ESCANBER). Cooperation between Nagaoka University and HUST.
  • 2008-2010: Valorisation of agricultural by-products by biotechnology improvementfor2nd generation bioethanol. Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie – AUF



  • Pham Tuan Anh, Tran Luongng Nguyen, Dam Thuy Hang, To Kim Anh. 2022. Valorization of Cassava bagasse using co-culture of Aspergillus oryzae VS1 and Sporidiobolus pararoseus O1 in solid-state fermentation. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 13. pp 3003-3012.
  • Thi-Thao Nguyen, Quoc-Tuan Hoang, Tien-Thanh Nguyen, Tuan-Anh Pham, Anh-Duong Cao, Hong-Duong Pham, Viet-Hung Le, Thu-Trang Vu, Ngoc-Hung Pham, Tien-Cuong Nguyen, Kim-Anh To, Van-Hung Nguyen, Quyet-Tien Phi, Viet-Hoa Tran, Tat-Thanh Dang, Quoc-Dat Lai, Raoul Lionnet, Son Chu-Ky. 2022. Research and Development Prospects for Sugarcane Industry in Vietnam. Sugar Tech, 23.
  • Tien Nam TIEN, Tien Cuong NGUYEN, Chinh Nghia NGUYEN, Tien Thanh NGUYEN, Tuan Anh PHAM, Ngoc Hung PHAM, Son CHU-KY. 2022. Protease increases ethanol yield and decreases fermentation time in no-cook process during very-high-gravity ethanol production from rice. Process Biochemistry, 117. pp 10-18.
  • Pham Tuan Anh.; Ngo Duy Sa; To Kim Anh. 2022. Formic acid-based organosolv delignification of sugarcane bagasse for efficient enyzymatic saccharification. Sugar Tech, 24. pp 779-787.
  • Bui Thi Thanh, Dam Thuy Hang, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Lan Huong. 2022. Enhanced production of fibrinolytic enzyme by Bacillus sp. isolated from Vietnamese traditional fermented soybean (Tuong Ban) using ultraviolet irradiation and chemical mutation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 11. pp 67-80.


  • Luu Thi Huyen, Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh. Newly isolated oleaginous yeasts and their intracellular lipid accumulation ability. Proceedings the 14th Asian Biohydrogen Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium – ABBS 2019 Innovation and Technology Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy.
  • Pham Thi Ly, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Beta-Carotene production using Rhodotorula mucilaginosaon sugarcane molasses. Proceedings the 14th Asian Biohydrogen Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium – ABBS 2019 Innovation and Technology Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy.
  • Nguyen Thao Anh, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Enhancement of Polysaccharide krestin production in Trametes versicolor by using microparticle enhanced cultivation and leds light colors. National Biotechnology Conference. 2022. pp 1268-1274.
  • Luu Thi Huyen, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Isolation and characterization of carotenoid producing yeast. National Biotechnology Conference 2022. pp 1342-1346.
Articles and Conferences


  • Pham Tuan Anh, Jean Guy Berrin, Eric Record, Kim Anh To and Jean-Claude Sigoillot, 2010.Hydrolysis of softwood by Aspergillusmannanase: Role of a carbohydrate-binding module. J. Biotechnology, 147:163-170.
  • Kieu Trung Dong, Pham Tuan Anh, Phung Thi Thuy, To Kim Anh. Study of dye decolorization ability of laccase from white fungi Pleurotus floridabagasse. Journal of science and technology. 51 (3B).
  • Nguyen Lan Huong, Pham Tuan Anh, La Thị Quynh Nhu, Duong Van Ha, To Kim Anh. 2013. Improvement of nattakinase production by bacillus subtilis D using fed-batch fermentation. Journal of Science and Technology – Technical universities, Vol 92.
  • Cao Xuan Bach, Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh. 2015. Screening of cellulolytic fungi for rubber wood hydrolysis, Journal of Science and Technology – Technical Universities. Vol 105
  • Le Quang DienTo Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet. 2015. Preparation of Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulosic Fibers by Acetic acid Treatment for Bioethanol Production, Journal of Chemistry. 53(1): 50-56.
  • Ngo Duy Sa, Phạm Tuan Anh, Tô Kim Anh. 2015. Effect of alkaline washing to hydrolyze of formic acid fractionated sugar cane bagasse. Journal of Biotechnology. 12(2): 345-353.
  • Ngo Duy Sa, To Kim Anh, Phạm Tuan Anh. 2016. Hydrolysis ability of the formic acid-fractionated bagasse and attempt to increase the glucose concentration in the hydrolysis for feasible cellulose ethanol production. Journal of Science and Technology – Technical Universities. 111, p.29-36
  • Ngô Duy Sạ, Tô Kim Anh, Phạm Tuấn Anh. 2016. Comparison between separate and simultaneous hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation of formic acid fractionated sugarcane bagasse. Journal of Science and Technology. 54 (1A),
  • Mai-Lan Pham, Tatjana Leister, Hoang Anh Nguyen, Bien-Cuong Do, Anh-Tuan Pham, Dietmar Haltrich, Montarop Yamabhai, Thu-Ha Nguyen, and Tien-Thanh Nguyen. 2017. Immobilization of b-galactosidases from Lactobacilluson Chitin using a chitin-binding module. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 65 (14), p. 2965-2976
    Tuan Le, Dominique Anne-Archard, Véronique Coma, Xavier Cameleyre, Eric Lombard, Kim Anh To, Tuan Anh Pham, Tien Cuong Nguyen, Luc Fillaudeau. Using in-situ viscosimetry and morphogranulometry to explore hydrolysis mechanisms of filter paper and pretreated sugarcane bagasse under semi-dilute suspensions.(2017) Biochemical Engineering Journal, vol. 127. pp. 9-20. ISSN 1369-703X.
  • Yves Waché, Thuy-Le Do, Thi-Yen Thi-Bao-Hoa Do, Maxime Haure Do, Phu-Ha Ho, Anil Kumar Anal, Wen-Jun Van-Viet-Man Le, Hélène Licandro Li, Da Lorn, Mai-Huong Ly-Chatain, Sokny Ly, Warapa Mahakarnchanakul, Dinh-Vuong Mai, Hasika Mith, Dzung-Hoang Nguyen, Thi-Minh Thi-Kim-Chi Nguyen, Tu Nguyen, Thi-Viet Thi-Thanh-Thuy Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Hai-Vu Pham, Tuan-Anh Pham, Thanh-Tam Phan, Reasmey Tan, Tien-Nam Tien, Thierry Tran, Sophal Try, Quyet-Tien Phi, Dominique Valentin, Quoc-Bao Vo-Van, Kitiya Vongkamjan, Duc-Chien Vu, Nguyen-Thanh Vu, Son Chu-Ky. Prospects for Food Fermentation in South-East Asia, Topics From the Tropical Fermentation and Biotechnology Network at the End of the AsiFood Erasmus+ Project. (2019). Frontiers in microbiology, vol. 9.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Le Thi Tho, To Kim Anh. Direct Glucose Recovery from Cassava bagasse using Granular Starch-Hydrolyzing Enzyme. Journal of Science and Technology – Technical Universities. 2019.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Pham Kim Ngan, To Kim Anh. 2019. Efficient starch recovery from cassava bagasse: role of cellulase and pectinase. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 57. pp. 401-409.
  • Tran Thi Huong, Le Thi My Huyen, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. 2020. Optimization of polysaccharopeptide biosynthesis in submerged fermentation of Van Chi Trametes versicolor. Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Trade, 42. pp. 31-35.
    Le Quang Dien, Nguyen Hoang Chung, Thai Dinh Cuong, Pham Tuan Anh. 2020. Research on hydrolysis of wood residue to create xylose sugars for cultivation of Candida utilis yeast. Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Trade, 42. pp. 25-28.
  • Tran Thi Huong, Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, Phung Thi Thuy, Pham Tuan Anh. 2021. Recovering Polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) from Trametes versilocor BRG04 biomass of submerged cultivation. Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Trade, 44. pp. 44-47.
  • Phạm Tuan Anh, Hoang Thi Ngoc Trang, Phung Thi Thuy, Tô Kim Anh. 2021. Factors enhancing the accumulation of beta-carotene in Rhodotorula taiwanensis ct1. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology, 58 (6A), 299-307.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Tran Luongng Nguyen, Dam Thuy Hang, To Kim Anh. 2022. Valorization of Cassava bagasse using co-culture of Aspergillus oryzae VS1 and Sporidiobolus pararoseus O1 in solid-state fermentation. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 13. pp 3003-3012.
  • Thi-Thao Nguyen, Quoc-Tuan Hoang, Tien-Thanh Nguyen, Tuan-Anh Pham, Anh-Duong Cao, Hong-Duong Pham, Viet-Hung Le, Thu-Trang Vu, Ngoc-Hung Pham, Tien-Cuong Nguyen, Kim-Anh To, Van-Hung Nguyen, Quyet-Tien Phi, Viet-Hoa Tran, Tat-Thanh Dang, Quoc-Dat Lai, Raoul Lionnet, Son Chu-Ky. 2022. Research and Development Prospects for Sugarcane Industry in Vietnam. Sugar Tech, 23.
  • Tien Nam TIEN, Tien Cuong NGUYEN, Chinh Nghia NGUYEN, Tien Thanh NGUYEN, Tuan Anh PHAM, Ngoc Hung PHAM, Son CHU-KY. 2022. Protease increases ethanol yield and decreases fermentation time in no-cook process during very-high-gravity ethanol production from rice. Process Biochemistry, 117. pp 10-18.
  • Pham Tuan Anh.; Ngo Duy Sa; To Kim Anh. 2022. Formic acid-based organosolv delignification of sugarcane bagasse for efficient enyzymatic saccharification. Sugar Tech, 24. pp 779-787.
  • Bui Thi Thanh, Dam Thuy Hang, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Lan Huong. 2022. Enhanced production of fibrinolytic enzyme by Bacillus isolated from Vietnamese traditional fermented soybean (Tuong Ban) using ultraviolet irradiation and chemical mutation. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 11. pp 67-80.


  • Pham Hoang Nam, Pham Khanh Dung, Nguyen Khoa Dang, Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh. Thermostable fungal endo-glucanase from R22-20 for cellulose intercleavage.  The 5th regional conference on New and Renewable energy. 2012
  • Le Tuan, Pham Tuan Anh, Wataru Ogasawara, Masao Fukuda, To Kim Anh. Comparison of thermo-chemical pretreatments for bio-ethanol production from rubber wood.  The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional conference Biotechnology. 2013
  • Pham Khanh Dung, Pham Hoang Nam, Pham Tuan Anh, Nguyen Xuan Sam, To Kim Anh. Improvement of A. fumigates R22-20 endo-glucanase production by UV mutagenesis. The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional conference Biotechnology. 2013
  • Le Tuan, Cao Xuan Bach, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Factors influencing on the formic acid based fractionation of glucan from sugarcane bagasse. National biotechnology conference 2013.
  • Pham Tuan Anh, Luu Xuan Chinh, To Kim Anh. Potential value-added production from cassava bagasse: glucose and nanocellulose. National biotechnology conference. 2018. p. 389-396.
  • Luu Xuan Chinh, Phung Thi Thuy, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Effect of cellulase treatment on nano-fibril cellulose production from paper pulp. National biotechnology conference.2018. P. 397-402.
  • Tien Tien Nam, Nguyen Chinh Nghia, Pham Tuan Anh, Chu Ky Son. Application of vacuum to improve efficiency of non-cook process at very high gravity for ethanol production. National biotechnology conference.2018. p. 417-422.
  • Tran Thi Huong, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Submerged fermentation of Trametes versicolorBRG04 (Yunzhi Mushroom) for PSK production. Proceedings The 14th Asian Biohydrogen Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium – ABBS 2019 Innovation and Technology Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy.
  • Yosuke Shida, Takanobu Iwamoto, Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh, Wataru Ogasawara. Screening of oleaginous yeast from Vietnamese environment. Proceedings the 14th Asian Biohydrogen Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium – ABBS 2019 Innovation and Technology Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy.
  • Luu Thi Huyen, Pham Tuan Anh, To Kim Anh. Newly isolated oleaginous yeasts and their intracellular lipid accumulation ability. Proceedings the 14th Asian Biohydrogen Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium – ABBS 2019 Innovation and Technology Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy.
  • Pham Thi Ly, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Beta-Carotene production using Rhodotorula mucilaginosaon sugarcane molasses. Proceedings the 14th Asian Biohydrogen Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium – ABBS 2019 Innovation and Technology Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy.
  • Nguyen Thao Anh, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Enhancement of Polysaccharide krestin production in Trametes versicolor by using microparticle enhanced cultivation and leds light colors. National Biotechnology Conference. 2022. pp 1268-1274.
  • Luu Thi Huyen, To Kim Anh, Pham Tuan Anh. Isolation and characterization of carotenoid producing yeast. National Biotechnology Conference 2022. pp 1342-1346.


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