Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thanh Hang
Meritorious teacher, Senior Lecturer
Office: 206-C4
Phone: +84-24 3868 0119
Fax: +84-24 3868 2470
- 1995: PhD, Fermentation Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (formerly Hanoi University of Technology), Vietnam
- 1882: Engineer, Fermentation Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (formerly Hanoi University of Technology), Vietnam
Professional experience
- 1995 – 2010: Lecturer, Department of Fermentation Technology, Department of Bio-food Technology and Department of Food Technology, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam;
- 2010- now: Lecturer, Department of Food Technology, Department of Bio-food Technology and Department of Food Technology, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- 2008-2010: Head of Department of Fermentation Technology, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- 1999-2008: Deputy-head of Department of Fermentation Technology, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- 2006 : Assoc. Professor
- 2004-2014: Deputy Manager of Human Resource Office, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- 1983-1995: Researcher, Food Technology Department, Hanoi University Technology, Vietnam (now Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam)
Research interests
- Researching and developing liquor making processes from various raw materials (sugary raw materials, starchy raw material, marine sewages,
- Researching and developing fermented products making processes, such as traditional spirit, wine, beer, etc.
Teaching responsibilities
- Food Engineering
- Liquor and high-alcohol spirit technology
- Fermented Products Technology
- Food Processing Technology
- Beverage Technology (for Master courses)
- Advances in Food Technology (for PhD courses)
Principle Investigator
- 2017-2018: Isolation and selection of bacterial strains synthesizing high-activity protease during fermentation of Cat Hai fish sauce. Hanoi University of Science and Technology. T2017-PC-007
- 2012: Select and study the culturing condition of high-starch containing seawedge for bioethanol production. Hanoi University of Science and Technology. T 2012-CT-3
- 2009-2010: Simultaneous liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation (SLSF) for ethanol production from cassava chips and fresh cassava, Ministry of Industry and Trade
- 2006-2008: Study on production of low-alcohol fermented fruit juice. Ministry of Education and Training
- 2005: Selection of yeast with high capability of alcoholic fermentation from starch products. Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
- 2003-2004: Technical solutions to improve alcohol quality and recovery for exportation. Ministry of Science and Technology. National level. KC06-17CN
- 2003-2004: Study on affecting parameters in purple rice wine production using enzyme preparation. Ministry of Education and Training
- 1999: Improvement of quality and recovery efficiency of alcohol in factories. Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
- Investigator.
- 2004-2005: Development of Technology and equipments in fruit wine and liquor production from Red plum Tam Hoa. Ministry of Education and Training.
- 2001-2002: Study on Aroma development in Fish sauce production. Ministry of Industry and Trade.
- 2001-2002: Development of technology for high quality wine. Ministry of Education and Training.
Books and book chapters
- Nguyen Đinh Thuong, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2000). Technology of Ethanol Production and Analysis. Science and Technology Publishing House.
- Le Thanh Mai, Pham Thu Thuy, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Le Lan Chi, Nguyen Thi Hien, (2005). Analytical Methods in fermentation technology, Science and Technology Publishing House.
- Le Van Nhuong, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thanh Hang, et al, (2009). Basis of Biotechnology.
- Luu Anh Van, Nguyen Truong Giang, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Selection of suitable raw material for obtaining germinated brown rice for nutritional beverage production. Journal of Analytical Science 2: 147-152 (2020).
- Luu Anh Van, Nguyen Truong Giang, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Do Tuan Anh. Research on hydrolysis conditions of germinated brown rice solution by internal enzyme for production of fermented low alcohol beverage. Journal of Chemistry 5A (2020).
Công bố khoa học (tất cả)
Books and book chapters
- Nguyen Đinh Thuong, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2000). Technology of Ethanol Production and Analysis. Science and Technology Publishing House.
- Le Thanh Mai, Pham Thu Thuy, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Le Lan Chi, Nguyen Thi Hien, (2005). Analytical Methods in fermentation technology, Science and Technology Publishing House.
- Le Van Nhuong, Nguyen Van Cach, Nguyen Thanh Hang, et al, (2009). Basis of Biotechnology.
- Luu Anh Van, Nguyen Truong Giang, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Selection of suitable raw material for obtaining germinated brown rice for nutritional beverage production. Journal of Analytical Science 2: 147-152 (2020).
- Luu Anh Van, Nguyen Truong Giang, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Do Tuan Anh. Research on hydrolysis conditions of germinated brown rice solution by internal enzyme for production of fermented low alcohol beverage. Journal of Chemistry 5A (2020).
- Nguyen Thanh Hang, Nguyen Minh Thu, Nguyen Ngan Ha, Le Thanh Ha. Isolation, Screening and Identification of Protease producing Bacteria from fish sauce. Journal of Science &Technology Technical Universities 134: 64 – 68 (6/2019) ISSN: 2354-1083
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang. Poteniality of Vietnam Green Seaweed for Bioethanol Production. Journal of Science &Technology Technical Universities 134: 52-58 (6/2019) ISSN: 2354-1083
- Võ Thành Trung, Trần Văn Huynh, Trần Mai Đức, Phạm Đức Thịnh, Phạm Trung Sản, Nguyễn Thanh Hằng. Research on nourishing techniques of seaweed Ulva papenfussii . Journal of Biology 41(1): 91 – 99 (2019) ISSN: 0866-7160
- Luu Anh Van, Nguyen Truong Giang, Nguyen Thanh Hang. The study on the appropriate conditions to obtain germinated brown rice with high biological activities. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology 57(3B): 116 – 126 (2019) ISSN: 0866-708x
- Lưu Anh Văn, Nguyễn Thị Yến, Hồ Thị Thúy Anh, Nguyễn Thanh Hằng, Nguyễn Trường Giang; Appropriating conditions for acquisition high content α amylase of germinated brown rice variety Oryza stiva Anh dao; Journal of Vietnamese environment; Volume 9, number 1-5, trang 123-237, 06/2018
- Võ Thành Trung, Lê Như Hậu, Nguyễn Thanh Hằng ;Research on the acid hydrolysis conditions of Chaetomorpha linum seaweed and application in bioethanol production; Journal of Science &Technology Technical Universities; 117, 2017, 98-103
- Phi Thi Thanh Mai, Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Truong Thanh Luan. 2016. Study on fermention conditions of hydrolyzed rice straw by Lactobacillus Plantarum HC2 and Lactobacillus Fermentum Y6. Viet Nam journal of Agriculture and rural development, 291, 83-89
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2016. Study on conditions of hydrolysis green seaweed chaetomorpha linum by enzyme and application in bioethanol production. Journal of Biology 38(2), pp 201-206
- Phi Thi Thanh Mai, Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Thach Thi Quyen. 2016. Optimization of lactic fermentation process from cellubiose of Lactobacillus plantarum HC2. Journal of Science and Technology, 115.
- Son Chu-Ky, Thi-Hoan Pham, Kim-Lien T. Bui , Tien-Thanh Nguyen, Kim-Dang Pham, Hoai-Duc T. Nguyen, Hong-Nga Luong, Viet-Phu Tu, Thanh-Hang Nguyen, Phu-Ha Ho, Thanh-Mai Le. 2016. Simultaneous liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation at very high gravity of rice at pilot scale for potable ethanol production and distillers dried grains composition. Food and bioproducts processing 9 8 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 79–85
- Phi Thi Thanh Mai, Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Thanh Hang. 2015 Study of lactic fermentation conditions of Lactobacillus Fermentum Y6 from xylose. Journal of Science and Technology, 4 (53) 282-289.
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2015. Selection of some yeast strains for ethanol fermentation from hydrolysate solution of green seaweed chaetomorpha linum. Journal of Science and Technology, 4 (53), 472-480
- Phi Thi Thanh Mai, Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Nguyen Thi Thuy, 2015. Isolation and selection of bacteria for ability of lactic acid production from xylose; Viet Nam journal of Agriculture and rural development, 10 (2015) 91-94
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2014. The study of ethanol production from cellulose by Ulva torta (Mert) Reinb. Journal of Science and Technology, 52(2D), 299-305
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Thu Thuy, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2014. The study of liquefaction process of high starch concentration in ethanol production from cassava. Journal of Science and Technology, 52(5C), 253-259
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2014. The study of chemical modification during life cycle of Vietnamese algae species used in ethanol production. Journal of Science and Technology, 52(5B), 597-604
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2014. Selection of Vietnamese algae species for ethanol production. Journal of Science and Technology, 52(5A), 7-13
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2013). Study of conditions algae Chlamydomonas reinharditii Utex90 accumulate high starch as raw material for fuel ethanol production. Journal of Chemical, 51, 608-612
- Vo Thanh Trung, Bui Minh Ly, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2011). Study of ethanol production from seaweed biomass Cladophora sp. Journal of Material Science and Engineering B3 (10) 670-676
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2011). The study of hydrolysis conditions of Cladophora socialis in ethanol production. Journal of Biology Technology, 9,575-580
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Van Thiem, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2011). Improvement of traditional yeast bread production (Part 2). Journal of Science and Technology, 49, 291-295
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Van Thiem, Nguyen Thanh Hang, (2011). Improvement of traditional yeast bread production (Part 1). Journal of Science and Technology, 49, 271-275
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2010. Study on several parameters affecting simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process in ethanol production from dry cassava. Journal of Chemistry, 726-729
- Nguyen Thuy Huong, Khuat Thi Thuy, Tran Thuy Anh, Nguyen Huong Giang, Vu Nguyen Thanh, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2010. Selection of heat and antiseptic resistant yeast strains for ethanol production from cassava. Journal of science and Technology Technical University, 80, 53-57
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Thu Thuy, Quan Le Ha, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2010. Study on several parameters affecting liquafation process in ethanol production from fresh cassava. Journal of science and Technology Technical University, 75, 142-146
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Thu Thuy, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2010. Study on several parameters affecting simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process in ethanol production from fresh cassava. Journal of science and Technology Technical University, 78, 7-11.
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2016. Study on culture conditions of microorganisms to enzyme production and survey factors affecting of chaetomorpha linum hydrolysate by enzyme, Conference of science youth , pp 132-138
- Phi Thanh Mai, Tran Lien Ha, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2014. Isolation and selection of bacterial strains for lactic fermentation from cellobiose. The 4th conference of natural product study and development (2014), 203-208
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Nguyen Cong Mau, La Thi An 2013. The study of ethanol fermentation from biomas of Chaetomotpha Sp. The national conference of biological science and technology 2013, 621-625.
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Thanh Hang, Nguyen Cong Mau, 2013. Investigation of chemical components of Vietnamese seaweed for ethanol production. The 6th national conference of Chemistry, 236-240
- Vo Thanh Trung, Le Nhu Hau, Nguyen Duy Nhut, Nguyen Van Sy, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2011. Determine protein, lipid, ash and total carbonhydrate from some algae species in coastal Vietnam. The 5th national conference of Marine Science and Technology. 4, 727-732.
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Pham Van Thiem, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2011. Technological Aplication in Production of Traditional Vietnamese Alcolhol from Glutionous Rice as Raw Material. World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, 77, 1161-1165.
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Mai Van Anh, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2010. Optimization of liquefation process by enzyme in ethanol production from dry cassava powder. The 4th South East Technical University Consortium (SEATUC),78-81.
- Nguyen Minh Thu, Nguyen Thanh Hang, 2009. Study on fermentation condition in production of low alcohol beverage from Vietnamese mulberry, The 3rd South East Technical University Consortium (SEATUC),152-157.