Dr. Nguyen Duc Trung
Lecturer, deputy head of Department
Office: 210-C4
Phone: +84-24 3868 2458
Fax: +84-24 3868 2470
Email: trung.nguyenduc@hust.edu.vn
- 2013: PhD, Automation and Energy, INTP, University of Toulouse, France
- 208: Master, Industrial Automation, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (formerly Hanoi University of Technology), Vietnam
- 2006: Engineer, Industrial Automation, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
Professional experience
- 20015-present: Deputy Head of Department of Food and Biological Processes and equipments (formerly Department of Machine and Automation in Bio Technology and Food Engineering), School of Biotechnology and Food Technology (formerly Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- 2013-2014: Head of Student Management Unit, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- 2013-present: Head of Youth Union, School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
- 2006-2010: Lecturer, Department of Machine and Automation in Bio Technology and Food Engineering, Institute of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam.
- 2003-2006: Researching student at Hi-Tech Center, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam.
Research interests
- Drying Process optimization and system integration: Microwave/Radio Frequency, Heatpump, Thermal Convection, Hybrid equipment, coordination type of 2 independent equipments in 2 stages (for Agricultural product – Foodstuff – Medicinal herbs)
- Process Modeling and Optimization in Bioengineering and Food technology
- Effect of physical factors (EMF, UV …) to microbial growth
- Advance process control system in Bioengineering and Food technology
- Hygienic Engineering and Design for Food processing system and equipment
- Intelligent systems (computer vision, artificial intelligence, ….) for Bioengineering and Food technol
Teaching responsibilities
- BF6802 Seminar 1 (For Master)
BF6803 Seminar 2 (For Master) - BF6805 Process modeling (Master Course)
- BF5541 Computer-aided design of food machines and equipments
- BF5536 Automatic hydraulic and pneumatic actuators
- BF5540 Process control integration
- BF5535 Electrical Equipments for food machines
- BF4415 Procces and Equipment Lab
- BF4532 Automatic control for food processing systems
- BF4534 Automatic machines in food processing
- BF4725 Measurement technologyand automaticcontrol in biotechnology
- BF3534 Process measurement technologyand automaticcontrol theory in food engineering
- Course of designing project and practicing: Process and equipment design for 3rd year student at both fields (Bioengineering and Food Engineering), Specialized Project I, Specialized Project II, Graduation project (for: Bachelor of Engineering, Engineer and Master); Graduation practicing, Industry practicing.
- 2017-2018: Study of Microwave drying technology; design and manufacture Pilot machine for eddible and medicinal mushroom at HungYen province (Provincial Grade)
- 2016: Study of Microwave drying technology for GAC powder processing (University grade)
- 2014: Study of Microwave drying technology for the litchi (University grade)
- 2009: Researching, applying Labview to create cheap SCADA for small and medium food factory (University grade)
- 2019-2021: Research on technical solutions to improve productivity and quality of cardamom (Amomum aromaticum Roxb) in Lai Chau and some northern mountainous provinces (National independent project -43/19)
- 2014-2016: Valorization of ethanol plants’ by-products for the production of animal feeding – Collaborative project between Romania and Vietnam (Ministry of Science and Technology).
- 2014-2016: Technology researching, designing and manufacturing of heat pump drying machines assisted by microwave radiation (National scientific project KC.05.23/11-15)
- 2014-2015: Improvement of production technology of kit for detection of organophosphate and carbamate in agriculture products (Ministry of Education and Training)
- 2012-2015: Application of patent ”Adjusttable tank incoporated with five functions for biological treatment of waste water” for waste water treatment of rice noodle and cellophane noodle processings at Me hamlet, Tan Hoa commune, Hung Ha Disrtict, Thai Binh Provine. (Ministry of Science and Technology).
- 2008-2009: Researching, designing, manufacturing super smooth grinder and classifier to produce nutrition powder with high quality from oil – grain (Ministry of Education and Training)
- 2006-2007: Automatic control system and SCADA desiging and deploying for at ingot supplying machine at Dong Anh chain manufacturing factory (Hanoi city grade)
Books and book chapters
- Fundamentals of Industrial Process Measurement & Control Theory (Editor in Chief), Bach Khoa press
- Process Control and Measurement for Bio – Food technology, Bach Khoa press
- Computer-aided design of food machines and equipments (Editor in Chief), Bach Khoa press
Journal and Conference proceding
- Nguyễn Tân Thành, Trần Thế Tài, Nguyễn Đức Trung, Phan Xuân Diện, Trương Chiến Thắng, Trần Thị Anh Thơ. “Optimization of conditions for extraction of total Phenolic and Flavonoid content from cyanobacteria (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) “, Vietnam Medical Journal, 2020, Vol 495 , pp 538-544, ISSN 1859-1868
- Nguyễn Đức Trung, Cao Xuân Bắc, Lại Quang Linh, Nguyễn Đình Nam, Nguyễn Đức Nam, Lê Tiến Dương, Dương Quang Hà. “Thermal Metamaterial: Theory and application” , Journal of Science and Technology, 2020,Vol (56), pp 96-101, ISSN 1859-3585
- NGUYEN Duc Trung et al., “Review: Moisture ratio variation in Linhchi mushroom Microwave drying process”, Proceedings of the 52th scientific conference for engineering universities, 2018
- Nguyen Ba Chien, Jong-Taek-Oh, NGUYEN Duc Trung, Hideyo Asano, Yasushi Tomiyama, Numerical simulation of Plate heat exchanger, Procedding of 20th Conference of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering, 2018
- NGUYEN Duc Trung, Phan Minh Thuy, Study of moisture ratio variation during microwave drying process of avocado pulp, JST of HUST, 0868-3980, 2018
- NGUYEN Duc Trung, Pham Thanh Huong, Effect of technology parameters to the shrinkage of mango slices during convection drying process, JST of HUST, 0868-3980, 2018
- 2017 – present: Members of Standing Committee of Vietnam Food Safety Association (VINAFOSA)
- 2015 – 2017: Members of Executive Committee of Vietnam Food Safety Association (VINAFOSA)