MSc. Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc


Office: 206B-C4

Phone: +84-24 3868 0118

Fax: +84-24 3868 2470



  • 2011: Master, Food Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
  • 2005: Engineer, Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (formerly Hanoi University of Technology), Vietnam

Professional experience

  • 2006-present: Staff of School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam.

Research interests

  • Food technology and Post-harvest technology

Teaching responsibilities


Principle Investigator

  • 2010: Modified edible canna starch physicochemical properties and its application in edible noodle processing in craft village, University project.
  • 2012: Using new enzyme (cellulase và protease) enhancing the starch productivity in cassava starch production from fresh roots. University project


  • 2012-2014: Gains from losses of root and tuber crops – GRATITUDE, (, EU- FP7 (on going)
  • 2013-2014: Study the technology to retard the starch retrogradation and ít application on some cakes made from Vietnamese rice. Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. (on going)
  • 2012-2014: Study the functional properties of aminoreductone and the optimization of its processing condition in Maillard reaction. Nafosted, On going
  • 2012-2014: Trial production of Surimi and Surimi-based products. 2012-2013, Ministry of Trade. Finished.
  • 2013-2014: Simultaneous liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation (SLSF) for ethanol production from rice, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam. On going
  • 2009-2010. Study the processing technology of high protein products from fishes and the application of FPC in some fuctional foods production. Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training Finished
  • 2009-2010, Improvement of food safety of canna noodle produced in Minh khai craft village Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training, Finished
  • 2007-2008, Study on mung bean and cereal flavour and its application in improvement of tradditional mung bean-based cake processing. Vlir-Hut InterUniversity Project. (Belgium-Vietam). Vlir-Hut InterUniversity Organization, Finished



  • Vũ Thu Trang, Nguyễn Thị Thảo Nguyên, Nguyễn Văn Hưng, Nguyễn Tiến Cường, Hoàng Quốc Tuấn, Nguyễn Thị Thảo, Nguyễn Thị Hạnh, Nguyễn Thị Hoài Đức, Chu Kỳ Sơn, Nguyễn Văn Thái, Nguyễn Thế Hùng. Stability of Betacyanin in Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Juice Obtained from Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Province. Journal of Science and Technology 140 (2020)
  • Nguyen Tien Cuong, Nguyen Van Gioi, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Luong Hong Nga; “Yogurt-like product from fermented maize”: Quality improvement; Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities; Vol. 126, p. 44-48; 6/2018.
  • Nguyen Thi Thao, Tu Viet Phu, Chu Ky Son, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Ben Bennet, Diego Naziri and To Kim Anh. (2013). Application of value chain analysis in understanding the wastes and losses of cassava in Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam) 51 (6A). 70-76


  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc; Study on selection of suitable technology parameters of fermentation and drying, ripening for producing dry fermented sausages with different diameters in Vietnam; Proceedings of the 15th Asean conference on Food Science and technology, Ho Chi Minh City, 14-17 November 2017, Volume 1, p.423-428
  • Luong Hong Nga, Phan Thanh Huyen, Vu Van Du, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Tu Viet Phu, Chu Ky Son and To Kim Anh. (2013). Effects of processing methods on High Quality Cassava Flour properties and Vietnamese traditional bread quality. The 7th International Conference on Starch Technology, November 21-22, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, p.271-277
  • Chu Ky Son, Tu Viet Phu, Nguyen Thi Thao, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Diego Naziri, Ben Bennet, Keith Tomlins and To Kim Anh. (2013). New approaches for added value of cassava in Vietnam. The 2nd Starch World 2013, January 21-23, 2013, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam (oral presentation).
  • Luong Hong Nga, Ihsan Mabood Qazi, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Lam Xuan Thanh, Le Thanh Mai, Sudip Kumar Rakshit. Effect of bleaching agents on edible canna starch noodle qualities at small-scale processing in Vietnam. Proceedings of “Starch Update 2011”-the 6th international conference on starch technology- Bangkok- Thailand, 13-14th  February, 2012, pp378-385.
  • Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Lam Xuan Thanh, Pham Minh Duc, Luong Hong Nga. (2011). Effects of washing step on acidity and remaining amount of manganese in eddible canna starchProceedings of national conference on agricultural engineering and food preservation and processing,
Articles and Conferences


  • Vũ Thu Trang, Nguyễn Thị Thảo Nguyên, Nguyễn Văn Hưng, Nguyễn Tiến Cường, Hoàng Quốc Tuấn, Nguyễn Thị Thảo, Nguyễn Thị Hạnh, Nguyễn Thị Hoài Đức, Chu Kỳ Sơn, Nguyễn Văn Thái, Nguyễn Thế Hùng. Stability of Betacyanin in Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Juice Obtained from Lap Thach, Vinh Phuc Province. Journal of Science and Technology 140 (2020)
  • Nguyen Tien Cuong, Nguyen Van Gioi, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Luong Hong Nga; “Yogurt-like product from fermented maize”: Quality improvement; Journal of Science & Technology Technical Universities; Vol. 126, p. 44-48; 6/2018.
  • Nguyen Thi Thao, Tu Viet Phu, Chu Ky Son, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Ben Bennet, Diego Naziri and To Kim Anh. (2013). Application of value chain analysis in understanding the wastes and losses of cassava in Vietnam. Journal of Science and Technology (Vietnam) 51 (6A). 70-76


  • Phan Thanh Tam, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc; Study on selection of suitable technology parameters of fermentation and drying, ripening for producing dry fermented sausages with different diameters in Vietnam; Proceedings of the 15th Asean conference on Food Science and technology, Ho Chi Minh City, 14-17 November 2017, Volume 1, p.423-428
  • Luong Hong Nga, Phan Thanh Huyen, Vu Van Du, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Tu Viet Phu, Chu Ky Son and To Kim Anh. (2013). Effects of processing methods on High Quality Cassava Flour properties and Vietnamese traditional bread quality. The 7th International Conference on Starch Technology, November 21-22, 2013, Bangkok, Thailand, p.271-277
  • Chu Ky Son, Tu Viet Phu, Nguyen Thi Thao, Luong Hong Nga, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Diego Naziri, Ben Bennet, Keith Tomlins and To Kim Anh. (2013). New approaches for added value of cassava in Vietnam. The 2nd Starch World 2013, January 21-23, 2013, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam (oral presentation).
  • Luong Hong Nga, Ihsan Mabood Qazi, Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Lam Xuan Thanh, Le Thanh Mai, Sudip Kumar Rakshit. Effect of bleaching agents on edible canna starch noodle qualities at small-scale processing in Vietnam. Proceedings of “Starch Update 2011”-the 6th international conference on starch technology- Bangkok- Thailand, 13-14th  February, 2012, pp378-385.
  • Nguyen Thi Hoai Duc, Lam Xuan Thanh, Pham Minh Duc, Luong Hong Nga. (2011). Effects of washing step on acidity and remaining amount of manganese in eddible canna starchProceedings of national conference on agricultural engineering and food preservation and processing,


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