List of Scientific Conferences

List of Scientific Conferences

  1. The online kick off meeting of the project: “Multi-disciplinary network platform to assess value chain opportunity for plant-based protein by upcycling food wastes and improving food safety”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 6/2021.–gcrf-2021–kickoff-meeting.html
  2. Workshop “Promoting Science and Technology to create a driving force for the development of agricultural product processing in the new context”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 4/2021.—-thuc-day-khoa-hoc-cong-nghe-tao-dong-luc-phat-trien-che-bien-nong-san-trong-boi-canh-moi—.html
  3. Workshop “Technical and Technology in Beer production 2020”, at Me Linh beer production plant – Habeco, 11/2020.—cong-nghe-2020-tai-nha-may-bia-ha-noi—me-linh–23-11-2020-.html
  4. Scientific workshop “Food to city in a changing Vietnam (Food2CiVN)”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 10/2020.
  5. 14th Asian Biohydrogen, Biorefinery and Bioprocess Symposium (ABBS 2019)”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 11/2019.
  6. Quality Management and Food Safety Conference (QMFS) 2019, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 11/2019.
  7. International Workshop “Adding value to Sugar Industry in Vietnam“, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 11/2019
  8. International Workshop “Diversification of Dairy products“, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 11/2019
  9. Conference “Yeast extract production technology and application to industry”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 5/2019.—-cong-nghe-san-xuat-va-ung-dung-san-pham-chiet-xuat-nam-men—.html
  10. Conference “Wine and fruit wine: Challenges and Prospects”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 12/2018
  11. Quality Management and Food Safety Conference (QMFS) 2017, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 10/2017.
  12. Conference “NutriSEA Steering Committee 4”, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 10/2017
  13. Conference: “Innovation of  Food Engineering and Bioengineering: From research to industry”,  at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 10/2016.
  14. International Conference “Animal Feeding in South East Asia: Challenges and Prospects (AFSEA2015)”, at Vietnam National University of Agriculture, 11/2015.
  15. Quality Management and Food Safety Conference (QMFS) 2015, at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, 11/2015.
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