Osaka University and HUST held meeting to strenghthen training cooperation for Elitech Program In Bioengineering

Osaka University and HUST held meeting to strenghthen training cooperation for Elitech Program In Bioengineering

On Jan 09th, 2023, Osaka University Japan (OU) and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam, and held a meeting in order to implement and promote teaching activities for undergraduates and graduate students in Elitech Bioengineering  program, including academic exchange, research cooperation between the two Universities

At the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Phong Dien, Vice-President of HUST, expressed his appreciation for the meaningful educational aided activities of the corporation over the years and expected to develop strategic cooperation between the two sides. He stressed that “Osaka University and HUST already had a strategic cooperation agreement, creating a legal framework for the implementation of deeper and broader cooperation activities, contributing to creating high-quality human resources for the society, especially for the continuation of education support as supporting and advising for the ELITECH program in Bioengineering. This meeting is considered as a further development of the ongoing fruitful cooperation and proved the mutual trust and the expectation of greater results in the coming time.”

Prof. KAWAHARA Genta, Executive Vice-president of Osaka University and Prof FUJIYAMA Kazuhito, director of International Center for Biotechnology (OU) at the meeting

Prof. KAWAHARA Genta, Executive Vice-president of Osaka University emphasized that both sides would strive to promote many activities such as collaborative research, lectures, symposiums, education materials, and the exchange of researchers and undergraduate students and graduate students.
Prof KAWAHARA Genta also mentioned the Joint Campus Education Program (JCEP), an initiative from OU for future collaboration with its partner universities. The aim of JCEP is to foster jointly excellent researchers through systematic exchanges from undergraduate to graduate positions. The concept of JCEP perfectly fits the one of ELITECH Bioengineering program in which HUST emphasizes on Internationalization when (i) OU professors will be invited to give lectures to ELITECH Bioengineering program: (ii) course matching/bilateral credit recognition with OU and student exchange via short visit as well as internship

After many years of collaboration, HUST has around 10 lecturers who graduated from Osaka University in Biotechnology, Mechanical, Electronic, and telecommunication fields. In the near future, both universities hope to fulfill the ELITECH programs towards elite students who aspire to become excellent engineers, experts, and managers in the Biotechnology field.

Assoc. Prof. Chu Ky Son – Dean of School of Biotechnology and Food Technology shared his expectation for the continuing collaborations with Osaka University.
Assoc. Prof. Vu Thu Trang presented some updates about some examples of product R&D in food biotechnology with Japanese spirit.

Osaka University ( is a top university in Japan, ranking #68 in QS World University Rankings 2023 with many research fields committed to contributing to social stability and welfare, world peace, and harmony between humans and nature through education and research activity under its motto of “Live Locally, Grow Globally.”

Prof NISHIO Shojiro, President of Osaka University, Prof. KAWAHARA Genta, Executive Vice-president of Osaka University with HUST colleagues during the official visit of OU to HUST on 9-10th January 2023 in Hanoi

Hanoi University of Science and Technology is the leading technical university in Vietnam with the ranking of 360th in the world and the 1st in Vietnam in the field of engineering and technology. In the period of 2021-2030, Health Science and Technology is one of the four priority development orientations of the University.

Some other meeting activities at the School of Biotechnology and Food Technology at HUST



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