Sep 2022 Scientific Seminar by Prof. Ogawa Masahiro from Japan

Time start: 9:00 am 19/09/2022

Time end: 11:00 am 19/09/2022

Address: 201-C4

Within the framework of the program of the delegation of professors and students from Kagawa University, Japan at the Schoolof Biotechnology & Food Technology, Prof. Ogawa Masahiro from the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa Agricultural University, gave a presentation at the September 2022 Scientific Seminar.

Titled “Polyphenol as texture improving substance of food stability “the presentation by Prof. Ogawa has attracted the attention of many of the School of Biotechnology & Food Technology staff. In his presentation, Prof. Ogawa shared the success of creating a way to use agricultural by-products – olive leaves – to become an all-natural food additive, helping to enhance the structure and quality of food products. Research on olive leaves by Prof. Ogawa has been tested on many different subjects, such as supplements in fish food and supplements in sausage from chicken. The results showed that adding olive leaf powder in the right amount helped fish meat stay fresh longer during cold storage. With chicken sausage, polyphenol compounds from olive leaf powder helped to increase the structure, significantly contributed to improving the crispiness of the product, and did not affect the organoleptic value. The initial principle is explained because the phenolic compounds in olive leaves interact to stabilize the protein structure as well as act as a lipid protector from oxidative reactions during storage.

After the presentation, the staff and lecturers at the Schoolof Biotechnology & Food Technology had a lively discussion with Prof. Ogawa, and many scientific questions arose. The September 2022 scientific seminar took place successfully.

Information about speakers:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to attend

September 2022 Scientific Seminar – Prof. Ogawa from Kawaga University

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