Every year, the Department participated in the Department of Food Safety, Hygiene and Safety Testing...
07/04/2020 STT MSSV Học và tên Ngày sinh Lớp NV đề tài Giáo Viên hướng...
Department of Microbiology – Biochemistry – Molecular Biology Hanoi University of Technology 1, Dai Co...
04/08/2020 Thứ 2 Thứ 3 Thứ 4 Thứ 5 Thứ 6 3-7/8 Cô Thuỷ Cô...
From K62 Basic Subjects BF2702: Biochemistry BF2703: Experiments in Biochemistry BF3701: Microbiology 1 BF3702: Experiments...
Vietnamese Government Projects 2017-2020: Research and application of biological treatment technology for treatment of odor and...
Research interests within the Department of Microbiology – Biochemistry – Molecular Biology are focused on...
Department of Food Technology (206B-C4) School of Biotechnology and Food Technology Hanoi University of Science...
Bachelor program (4 years) BF2511: Introduction to Food Technology BF2020: Technical Writing and Presentation BF3522:...
from 2011-now National Trial Production projects Production of dry and semi-dry saussage using microbial technology....