

From K62
Basic Subjects

  1. BF2702: Biochemistry
  2. BF2703: Experiments in Biochemistry
  3. BF3701: Microbiology 1
  4. BF3702: Experiments in Microbiology
  5. BF3703: Cell Biology
  6. BF3704: Immunology
  7. BF3705: Genetics and Molecular Biology
  8. BF3706: Genetic Engineering
  9. BF3707: Bioinformatics

Specialized subjects

  1. BF4702: Environmental Toxicology
  2. BF4703: Microorganisms II – Environmental Microbiology
  3. BF4707: Microorganisms II – Food Technology
  4. BF4711: Microorganisms II – Industrial Microbiology
  5. BF4705: Fermentation Engineering
  6. BF4708: Practical work in Fermentation Engineering
  7. BF4511: Enzyme in Food Technology
  8. BF4712: Enzymology
  9. BF4713: Animal Cell Technology
  10. BF4716: Recombinant DNA Technology
  11. BF4717: Methodology in Recombinant DNA Technology
  12. BF4722: Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Technology
  13. BF4723: Practical work in Animal Cell Technology
  14. BF4724: Pratical work in Enzyme Technology
  15. BF4715: Techniques of Virus Cultivation

Engineering and graduate subjects

  1. BF5713: Enzyme Product Technology
  2. BF5716: Vaccine Technology
  3. BF5725: Antibiotic Technology
  4. BF5711: Microbial Product Technology
  5. BF6725: Biofuel
  6. BF6726: Probiotic và Prebiotic
  7. BF6728: Bio-Polymer
  8. BF6742: Microbial Metabolism
  9. BF6761: Control of Fermentation
  10. BF6762: Bio-catalytic Technology

Before K62
Undergraduate studies:

  Fundamentals subjects

  1. BF 3050: Biochemistry
  2. BF3091: Industrial biochemistry
  3. BF 2110: Food biochemistry
  4. BF3116: Molecular biology
  5. BF4810: Introduction to biotechnology
  6. BF3119: Immunological biochemistry
  7. BF 5110 Toxicology
  8. BF 3111: Fundamentals in Microorganism
  9. BF 2013: Applied Microorganism
  10. BF3012: Food Microorganism
  11. BF 3123: Bioinformatics
  12. BF 3199: Cell biology

  Specialized subjects:

  1. BF 4154: Enzyme technology
  2. BF5111: Technology for vaccine production
  3. BF 5140:  Technology for antibiotic production
  4. BF 5120: Bio-fertilizer Technology
  5. BF4152: Industrial Microbiology
  6. BF4162: Practical of Fermentation Technology
  7. BF 2418; 4810: General Biotechnology
  8. BF 4164: Practical of enzyme technology

Graduate studies:

  1. BF6128:  Biopolymer
  2. BF 6112: Enzyme kinetic
  3. BF6141: Enzymes in genetic engineering
  4. BF6132: Recombinant proteins
  5. BF 6125: Biofuels
  6. BF 6126: Prebiotics
  7. BF 612: Molecular Diagnosis Method
  8. BF 6145: Industrial Fermentation
  9. BF7010: Trends in Biotechnology
  10. BF 6142: Metabolism in Organism.
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