Scientific and Cultural Sustainable Development between Argentina and Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Scientific and Cultural Sustainable Development between Argentina and Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Many people get to know Argentina as a famous country for its excellent Malbec wine, beef and food, as well as music and dance. In agricultural fields and food processing, Argentina occupies an important position as a supplier of food and raw materials in respect of agriculture, livestock and dairy products worldwide. Argentina was the 4th largest producer of beef (2018) the 10th largest producer of grape in the world. Argentina was the first Latin American country to establish relationship with Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in the past ten years in the aspect of scientific and culture exchanges. Under the support from Argentine Embassy, HUST has been established expert working groups to coordinate research and training activities in the field of technological innovation related to milk and dairy products, post-harvest researches in Argentina and Vietnam.

Under the Argentine Fund for South-South & Triangular Cooperation (FOAR), HUST staff visited Argentina National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and Argentina cheese factory for the prospect co-research works, academic and technology exchanges.

Assoc. Prof. Chu Ky Son visited the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and Cheese factory in Argentina

1. Visit of His Excellency Mr. Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh, the Ambassador of Argentina to Vietnam to Hanoi University of Science and Technology

Within the framework of the technical cooperation project of the Argentine Fund for South-South and Triangular Cooperation (FOAR), on November 11th, 2019, Dr. Miguel Taverna, Coordinator of the National Dairy Program and Dr. Adriana Descalzo, Researcher of the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) visited Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). During the meeting, His Excellency Mr. Juan Valle Raleigh, The Ambassador of Argentina to Vietnam, had a meeting with Assoc. Prof. Hoang Minh Son, Rector of HUST, on the cooperation between dairy expertise in Argentine and Vietnamese institutions for technological innovation of dairy industry in Vietnam.

Assoc. Prof. Hoang Minh Son and His Excellency Mr. Juan Valle, The Ambassador of Argentina to Vietnam

His Excellency Mr. Juan Valle Raleigh, The Ambassador of Argentina to Vietnam,, Dr. Miguel Taverna, Coordinator of the National Dairy Program and Dr. Adriana Descalzo, Researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) visited Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), November 11th, 2019.

2. Organization of Dairy Workshop at HUST.

On November 15th 2019, Dr. Miguel Taverna, Coordinator of the National Dairy Program and Dr. Adriana Descalzo, researcher at INTA in the International Workshop “Diversification of Dairy Product”, organized by School of Biotechnology and Food Technology, HUST. At the workshop, the experts gave two talks on Research and Development in Dairy Science in Argentina and on Functional cheese product. The workshop welcomed experts from Dairy companies (TH milk, Moc Chau milk, Hanoi milk, BaVi milk, Interbos Co.), Dairy suppliers and Universities and Research Institutes in Vietnam.

Joint Dairy Workshop of HUST, Argentina Embassy and Argentina National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)

3. Visiting to Ba Vi milk Factory in Vietnam

On November 12th 2019, the Argentine experts and colleagues from HUST visited the BaVi milk plant in Bavi, Hanoi, Vietnam. The experts had a tour into the cow farm, the plant of the Bavi milk company, and had discussion with the Director Board for further cooperation

4.  The Visit of the Ambassador Juan Carlos Valle Raleigh of Argentina to Vietnam to the Da Lat milk plant (TH group) with HUST support.

H.E.Mr. Juan Valle, Argentine Ambassador in Vietnam, had a tour to visit Da Lat milk plant, a part of TH group with the support from HUST. At the visit, the Ambassador wished to create business network between two sides, study the commercial market in Lam Dong, and towards to increase the bilateral trade exchanges between Vietnam and Argentina.

Ms. Ana Julia Gutiérrez Tellería, Embassy’s Secretary, Head of Political and Cooperation Section, visited the Center for training and food product development

5. The visit of His excellency Mr Luis Pablo María Beltramino the Argentine Ambassador to Vietnam to Hanoi University of Science and Technology

To strengthen of bilateral cooperation between Argentina and Vietnam in the field of science, research, HUST was the first University that the Argentine Ambassador to Vietnam, His Excellency Mr. LUIS PABLO MARÍA BELTRAMINO visited on April 2021 since he started his new term in Vietnam.

President Assoc.Prof. Huynh Quyet Thang and Mr. Luis Pablo María Beltramino

Under the support from Argentina Embassy, the Training webinar “Argentine experience on milk quality and cheese technology” for researchers, students and Dairy industrial staffs was organized in September 2021, aiming to transfer knowledge in Dairy technology and cheese processing from Argentina to Vietnam. The course attracted more than 300 participants.

The new network also established between HUST and Universidad Nacional de Rafaela, Argentina on September, 2021 in joint research projects; Exchange of academic materials, publications; Exchange of faculty; Exchange of students in the areas of biotechnology and food technology, computer science, informatics and alternative energy.

On top of that, HUST takes pleasure to receive a congratulatory video from Mr. Luis Pablo María Beltramino on the 65th anniversary.

6. Perspectives

In the future, we would like to set up and integrate experts in dairy technology including lecturers, scientists, industrials and governmental bodies in Argentina and Vietnam. HUST would like to establish the joint research project, technology transfer in the field of science, research and dairy technologies with Argentina’s partners


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